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Recognizing depression : specific issues among the female gender

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1 Recognizing depression : specific issues among the female gender
Hala Kerbage, M.D. LebMash Kafa, January 9

2 Outline What is depression? Risk factors for depression
Specific issues in the female gender When to consult for help Treatment modalities in depression

3 What is depression? Major depressive episode is a clinical disorder
Different from transient depressed mood At least one of the following with significant impact for at least 2 weeks, most of the day, nearly every day: Abnormal depressed mood Abnormal loss of all interest and pleasure

4 What is depression? At least 5 of the following symptoms during the 2 weeks: Appetite or weight disturbance Sleep disturbance Agitation or slowing Fatigue or loss of energy Abnormal inappropriate guilt Poor concentration Thoughts of death or suicide

5 What is depression? Symptoms not due to another psychiatric disorder (psychosis, bipolar disorder) Symptoms not due to physical illness, alcohol, medication or drugs Symptoms not due to normal bereavement

6 Natural course of depression
Slow onset, long duration of prodrome Episodes last several months 50 % will recur or have an unremitting course Heavy burden and impact on social, familial and work

7 Risk factors for depression
Frequent disorder (6.6% in Lebanon) Twice more frequent in females Peaks at the age of 30, decreases after 40 and peaks again after 55 Two major sources for depressive disorder: Inheritance Stress and environmental factors/Loss

8 Specific issues in the female gender
Risk of depression in GBV Impact on maternal depression on the children Post-partum: Highly at-risk period Role of life hygiene in preventing depression Good response to medications (SSRIs)

9 When to consult for help
If during more than 2 weeks: You feel sad all the time You are losing interest in things you used to like You feel “emotional numbness” You have suicidal thoughts You feel fatigue, loss of energy and concentration You have changes in appetite and sleep pattern You feel agitated or very slowed You have excessive guilt or self-devaluation You feel all this is impacting on your functioning

10 Treatment modalities Pharmacological treatment Psychotherapy
Physical exercise Intensifying social support and resources

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