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Question: “Describe a place which is special to you.” Make a list of places you could write about.

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Presentation on theme: "Question: “Describe a place which is special to you.” Make a list of places you could write about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Question: “Describe a place which is special to you.” Make a list of places you could write about.

2 my bedroom a friend’s house graveyardschool theme park holiday destination Nan’s house park local beauty spot shop

3 Graveyard Five similes: Five metaphors: Five examples of personification: Five strong verbs: Five strong adjectives:

4 Imagine a picture: Cloud and mist Sky Headstones Trees Marshy ground

5 Remember the SENSES: Sound – birds, silence, wind, footsteps? Sight – sky, clouds and mist, headstones, marshy ground, trees… Smell – death, freshness, incense? Touch – granite of the headstones, prickly sharpness of the spiky trees, soft squelch of the previously undisturbed mud… Emotions – sadness, fear, despair?

6 I saw the graves up ahead. They were so dull and looked lonely. I felt cold. The wind was really strong and I was feeling really scared and felt like I was about to cry. The trees were frightening as I walked towards my Nan’s grave. I come here every year and it’s always difficult.

7 Question: “Describe a nightmare world.” Write your answer.

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