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Lesson One Introducing the Horror Genre and haunted house description Learning Objectives: Introducing the Horror Genre and investigating conventions.

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2 Lesson One Introducing the Horror Genre and haunted house description Learning Objectives: Introducing the Horror Genre and investigating conventions Stilling Exercise: Description of a Haunted Mansion

3 Pair Work. Pupil on the left answer the following question to the person on the right. (1 Minute) Why do people enjoy horror? Pupils on the right improve on the answer to the pupil on the left (1 Minute)

4 Scare people Ooze a sense of unease, discomfort and terror Unnerve and unsettle Build and maintain tension Get a reaction Explore our darker side Indulge in your deepest fears HORROR In two minutes complete a five pointed star. What should a good horror film achieve?

5 Thinking Skills Activity Look at a detailed picture of a haunted house. Pupils absorb themselves in the picture – it will dissolve after a minute and pupils need to remember as many details as possible. Just a Minute: Describe a haunted house to your partner. Do not repeat words or hesitate. Model this with the class.


7 Group Work Everyone will see the picture of the haunted house. In five minutes each group must create a vocabulary list on their placemats. Try to use adjectives in lists to help describe what you see. Pick out details! e.g. ancient floorboards, ruined tower, rusted crooked post-box. If you have finished, try to add what else you could add to the picture to help create a atmospheric description.

8 Placemat Haunted Mansion Sights Sounds SmellTouch

9 Stilling Task You will be asked to close your eyes for five minutes during which your scenario will be described. You must try to imagine the scene. Use the vocabulary that you found. The teacher will offer ideas as you close your eyes in order to help your imagination You will then have 15 minutes to complete your description.

10 Stilling Script (Example) Quiet tone of voice, and a slow voice. Allow time for thinking and imaginations. Add whatever details you wish. Use the vocabulary they found. Here are some suggestions…. Set the Scene: -… you are on a deserted street -…. You are alone …. -… You feel the sharp cold….. -….Your heart begins to beat… -….You see a old building… -…There is the sound of creaking gates….. -…You hear the cries of ….. … -….gradually the sound cease and ……. -….it is quiet and ….. -…trees limbs creak in the whistling wind…. -…Shattered windows and ……… Follow up the Scene with Lead questions -…How are you feeling? -How do you feel and look? -What is going through your mind? -What does the house look like? -What details do you notice? -Can you hear anything? -Are there any sounds? -What are they? Etc!

11 Plenary Pupils read their descriptions to their critical partner. Critical Partner must find three things that the writer has done well and tick each time the senses are used Homework: Pupils list ten features of good writing. They should draw on what they have learnt in previous years. E.g. Using the Senses Questions to dismiss. In order to stand pupils must suggest answers to the above task/list generic horror conventions

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