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Foundations: 8000 B.C.E.- 600 C.E.. Finding Early Historical Evidence Types of Sources Changing interpretations and new evidence.

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Presentation on theme: "Foundations: 8000 B.C.E.- 600 C.E.. Finding Early Historical Evidence Types of Sources Changing interpretations and new evidence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foundations: 8000 B.C.E.- 600 C.E.

2 Finding Early Historical Evidence Types of Sources Changing interpretations and new evidence

3 Foundations Key Terms Interaction and Exchange Urbanization Nomadic Peoples Axial Age Empires Spread of Religion

4 Role of Climate and Geography in Early Societies Imagine how early societies may have been affected. How do you think early peoples responded? What difference would geography make in the long term development of a society?

5 Population Demography-the study of characteristics and dynamics pertaining to a human population What factors influence population growth and decline? Environmental human


7 Early Migrations

8 Nomadic Peoples Hunting-gathering lifestyle (!Kung people) Labor/ leisure Population growth Gender relations

9 Rise of Agriculture Spontaneous separate development – why, where and when? Diffusion of specific plants and techniques Connected Technological changes Pastoral societies Africa, the Americas, Europe and Asia

10 Nature of village settlements This land is my land, not your land Impact of agriculture on the environment Introduction of key stages of metal use

11 Birth of New Technologies Fire Bronze Iron

12 Civilizations?

13 What is a Civilization? Standard criteria: ethics material Origins of term- Complex cultures assume they are superior to barbarian cultures Use of term?

14 Basic Features of Early Civilizations Different Environments Culture State Social structure Know enough to compare them

15 Early Societies Mesopotamia Egypt Indus Valley or Harrapan Shang or Yellow River (Huang He) MesoAmerica and Andean South. American

16 Comparison of Egypt and Mesopotamia Egypt Predictable flood Mesopotamia Irregular flooding

17 What about ? Egypt Mesopotamia Political System Social Structures Religion Women’s Roles

18 Early Societies Mesopotamia Egypt Indus Shang Mesoamerica and Andean South America

19 Shared Features

20 Unique characteristics

21 Urbanization Comparisons between urban, pastoral and nomadic life

22 Classical Societies Axial age- Why then? Results: Religion Politics Social Structure Gender relations

23 Axial Age Thinkers

24 Empire Building What does an empire require? What do its subjects expect? Symbols of legitimacy

25 Symbols of Legitimacy

26 Achievements Greek science and philosophy Roman law and architecture Political organization in Han China Spiritual and artistic developments in Gupta India

27 Urbanization and Gender How might gender roles be affected as peoples settled?

28 Origins of World Belief Systems Polytheism

29 Origins of World Belief Systems Hinduism

30 Origins of World Belief Systems Judaism

31 Origins of World Belief Systems Confucianism

32 Origins of World Belief Systems Daoism

33 Origins of World Belief Systems Buddhism

34 Origins of World Belief Systems Christianity

35 Origins of World Belief Systems Islam

36 Diffusion of Belief Systems

37 Collapse of Empires Why do Empires fall?

38 Interregional Networks of People by 600 C.E. Silk Roads Mediterranean trade Indian Ocean trade Meso and Andean American trading

39 Silk Routes

40 Mediterranean Trade Routes

41 Indian Ocean Trade

42 Conclusions How do we know what we know? How does change happen? What results stem from interaction through migration, trade or pilgrimage? Why do world historians need to pose questions differently than regional specialists?

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