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Recalling Facts The South During Reconstruction

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1 Recalling Facts The South During Reconstruction
Reteaching Activity 17-3 Recalling Facts The South During Reconstruction

2 1. African Americans, white Southerners who supported republican policies, and white settlers from the North 2. Hirem Revels & Blanche K. Bruce 3. Southern whites who supported Republican policy throughout Reconstruction – many were nonslaveholding farmers or business leaders who had opposed secession

3 4. They arrived in the South with all their belongings in cheap suitcases made of carpet fabric
5. African Americans were told that they could not leave the plantation; they were refused land to rent and work. Some whites also used fear and force 6.A secret society organized to prevent freed men and women from exercising their rights and to help whites regain power

4 7. KKK members, dressed in white sheets and hoods, burned African American homes, churches, and schools 8. Most white Southerners would not testify against the KKK 9. They saw education as an important step to a better life 10. After paying landowners a % of their crop for the rent of the land, shack, and equipment, farmers had little or nothing left to sell. Sometimes there was barely enough to feed their families

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