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1 Horticulture / Landscape Mr. Brudelie. 2 Horticulture Horticulture –Comes from the Latin word meaning garden cultivation (hortus [garden] and culture.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Horticulture / Landscape Mr. Brudelie. 2 Horticulture Horticulture –Comes from the Latin word meaning garden cultivation (hortus [garden] and culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Horticulture / Landscape Mr. Brudelie

2 2 Horticulture Horticulture –Comes from the Latin word meaning garden cultivation (hortus [garden] and culture [cultivation] –Today, horticulture includes cultivation, processing, and sale of fruits, nuts, vegetable, ornamental plants, and flowers. –As an industry, it contributes over 35 billion dollars to the U.S. economy each year.

3 3 Horticulture The industry consists of four major divisions. –Pomology The science and practice of growing, harvesting, handling, storing, processing, and marketing tree fruit. –Olericulture The science and practice of growing, harvesting, handling, storing, processing, and marketing vegetables.

4 4 Horticulture –Floriculture The science and practice of growing, harvesting, handling, storing, designing, and marketing flowering plants. –Landscape and Nursery Industry The science and practice of propagating, growth, installing, maintaining, and using grasses, annual plants, shrubs, and trees in landscape.

5 5 Horticulture Jobs in horticulture –Greenhouse employee Grows plants in a heated glass or plastic greenhouse. May grow either vegetables or flowers. May include propagation of trees, shrubs, from seed or cutting. Include screen, mix, and sterilize soil and place it in containers for growing plants. A great deal of walking, and bending over plants and seed beds. A a lot of manual labor but it is not hard work. Usually the same amount of hours.

6 6 Horticulture Nursery Employee –They grow seedlings and plants for landscaping, fruit production, and replanting forests. –May work in a variety of different nurseries. Some specialize in fruit trees, ornamental trees and shrubs. –Prepared seedbeds all the way through sending the plants to customers. –Most of the time work will be outside even if the weather is bad. It is considered manual labor with some heavy lifting. Hours are steady throughout the year.

7 7 Horticulture Grounds –Maintenance employee that will care for the area surrounding a place of business, school, ect. –The work will provide variety but is not strenuous. Employees will work steady hours. –A person should not mind working alone, but should enjoy working with plants, tools, and small garden equipment.

8 8 Horticulture Golf Course Employee –Will be in charge of maintenance on the golf course. –Usually 8 hours a day In the southern states work will be year round In the northern states work ranges from March to October or November.

9 9 Horticulture Park employee –Do whatever is needed for the proper maintenance of parks. –This includes maintaining trees, shrubs,flowers and lawns that make up the park area. –Average hourly rate for city, state, or national park employees 1992 Unskilled workers5.50 *Skilled Workers6.80 *Supervisors12.50

10 10 Future of the Hort. Ind The industry is currently is a state of rapid growth. Many jobs using the newest technology are now available. Employment which involves working with plants or providing goods and services related to the hort industry will be widely available.

11 11 Future of the Hort. Ind Production of horticultural crops Service Industries Marketing Inspection Teaching and Extension work Research

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