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Experimental Pilot Project AS/JP1000 6.0 Elementary Modern Standard Japanese Group 6 Norio Ota Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics York.

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2 Experimental Pilot Project AS/JP1000 6.0 Elementary Modern Standard Japanese Group 6 Norio Ota Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics York University Toronto, Canada Distance Education Based on Personal Servers

3 Table of Contents 1.Pros & Cons or Myths 2.Purposes and Objectives 3.Climate & Environment 4.How to develop a course 5.Role of Servers 6.Implementation and Delivery 7.Instructional Materials 8.Model 9. Experimental pilot project 10.Feedback 11. Future 12. References 13. Contact

4 Pros & Cons or Myths Far and wide reaching Omnipresence Rich resources and information Flexibility Cost saving Time saving Staff saving Independent and free Impersonal Undisciplined Information overload and distraction Lack of concentration Less effective Time consuming Replacing staff with computers Security concerns

5 Purposes & Objectives Reaching out potential students in distance location where courses are not available or those who cannot afford attending regular classes due to employment or other circumstances. Ensuring the integrity of instructions and amount of acquisition and learning, individualized instructions and feedback, and networking among students and faculty.

6 Climate and Environment Internet Technology Resources Hardware Software Trend Cost Future

7 How to develop a course Content development Conversion of instructional materials Seek technical support Web based course development Develop personal servers Experiment on various possibilities Feedback from students Identify potential students and sites Find funding Staff training Implement a course Follow-up comparative evaluation

8 Implementation & Delivery Examine viability Identify tech support personnel Set up servers Develop a web-based course Seek funding Identify potential students, sites and contact personnel Identify teaching staff Offer orientation and workshop Monitor constantly Provide individual care and attention Factor feedback into the curricula constantly Assess and evaluate students’ acquisition and performance

9 Role of Servers How to develop your own servers and why Total control, freedom and independence Comprehensive service availability Uninterrupted access in time and space Instantaneous posting and modification of instructional materials Customization and individualization Keeping abreast with new technology Developing new types of materials and activities Transportability of courses and materials Modify materials with students’ feedback

10 Instructional Materials Develop own materials Choose commercially available software Post static materials on the web Add sound and video files Create database Develop dynamic and interactive materials Develop testing and evaluation procedure with security

11 Model Lecture:Video Conference (once a week) Office Hours:Video Cam(designated period) Communication:Chat, E-mail list(any time) Oral skills:Class instructions(once a week) Testing: In class(scheduled time)

12 Experimental Pilot Project AS/JP1000 6.0 Elementary Modern Standard Japanese Group6 Web-based instructional materials (text, video, audio) Commercially available software, Kanji CD Mix mode: lecture (video-conference) tutorial (legacy) E-office hours: individualized assistance (video-cam) E-community: Net Meeting, Chat, E-mail list Personal log: student’s self-study report On-line group work: conversation assignments (skits) Cultural activities by a student club In-class testing

13 Feedback Students Staff Tech support Institution Funding Achievement Comparative study

14 Future Continue and modify the course Secure servers Increase interactivities Develop an advanced level course Develop different types of courses Package each course Train teaching and support staff Market the product

15 References Ota, Norio (1996) ‘A Poor Man’s Server- A Key to Successful Transition in Computerization', Proceedings of The Foreign Language Education and Technology Conference III [FLEAT III]: Languages Resources Cultures, University of Victoria, Victoria B.C., 1998, 293- 304. _________(1998) ‘Is computing one of the biggest threats to academia? - bridging a gap between two subcultures’, Crossroads in Cultural Studies International Conference, Tampere, Finland. New Brunswick Distance Education Inc. (2000) ‘The Design, Development and Delivery of Internet Based Training and Education, Industry Canada Report, Project # U5251-9-5325, The Centre for Learning Technologies. Tele Education, NB (2001) ‘Learning on the Web’,

16 Contact Norio Ota Coordinator, Japanese and Computing [Languages] Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics York University 4700 Keele Street Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3 Canada Phone: (416)736-5016 x88750 Fax: (416)736-5483 E-mail: Web:

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