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Unit - R002. 1. Create a folder In your ICT folder and Name it as R002_Skills_for_business. 2. Your folder structure should look like this R002_Skills_for_business.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit - R002. 1. Create a folder In your ICT folder and Name it as R002_Skills_for_business. 2. Your folder structure should look like this R002_Skills_for_business."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit - R002

2 1. Create a folder In your ICT folder and Name it as R002_Skills_for_business. 2. Your folder structure should look like this R002_Skills_for_business ◦ TASK1 ◦ TASK2 ◦ TASK3 ◦ TASK4 ◦ TASK5 ◦ TASK6

3 1. Go to Skills for Business unit in the school web site. 2. Download the below files and save them in R002_Skills_for_business folder  Assignment  Marking criteria grid  Task files

4 PASSMERITDIST 1.How to send a professional marketing email. (You may wish to include details of packages on offer) 2. How to save and open an attachment (Package Details.doc) 3. How to send an attachment 4. Show how to use at least 2 advanced features 5. Discuss what is meant by email etiquette and give examples 6. Show how to use at least 4 advanced features 7. Explain what are the potential dangers of emails including viruses, SPAM and phishing. Also advice on how these can be prevented

5  Open a new word document add Unit title, Task, Your name in the header.  Add the question in the body.  Write an opening sentence to start your task.  1. How to send a professional marketing email. (You may wish to include details of packages on offer)  Log-in to your school email and compose a marketing e-mail.  Explain feature of e-mail such as To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, Formatting etc..  Use annotated screen shots to show all the steps in this process.

6  2. How to save and open an attachment (Package Details.doc)  Check your e-mail. I sent you an e-mail with an attachment.  Show all the steps of opening and saving an attachment using annotated screen shots.

7  3. How to send an attachment  Attach the downloaded document into your marketing e-mail.  Use annotated screen shots to show all the steps in this process.

8  4. Show how to use at least 2 advanced features  Use the videos in the school web site under task 1 to learn advanced e-mail features  Describe how to use advance features in your answer document.  Use annotated screen shots to show all the steps in this process.

9  5. Discuss what is meant by email etiquette and give examples.  Write an A4 page on e-mail etiquette.  Use the resources given in the school web site or search the internet to find good web sites.

10  6. Show how to use at least 4 advanced features  Use the resources given in the school web site or search the internet to find good web sites.  Describe how to use advance features in your answer document.  Use annotated screen shots to show all the steps in this process.

11  7. Explain what are the potential dangers of emails including viruses, SPAM and phishing. Also advice on how these can be prevented

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