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Purpose : To create a fail-safe system of literacy so that all students have equal access to a standards based curriculum Result: Joyful, independent readers,

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Presentation on theme: "Purpose : To create a fail-safe system of literacy so that all students have equal access to a standards based curriculum Result: Joyful, independent readers,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Purpose : To create a fail-safe system of literacy so that all students have equal access to a standards based curriculum Result: Joyful, independent readers, writers, and content learners!

2 Literacy is listening, viewing, thinking, expressing through multiple symbol systems, speaking, reading, and writing.

3 The Challenge is for – teachers to move from compliance to commitment and – students to move from compliance to engagement.

4 In schools that improve literacy.. 1. research based intervention is consistently implemented, monitored, and evaluated. 2. all teachers k-12 consistently teach, model, and practice literacy strategies before, during, and after reading.

5 Align daily work with reading & thinking expectations of assessment. Non-fiction reading =non-fiction on assessment Levels of questions=levels of questions on assessment

6 Literacy Development Tasks Primary Grades Phonics Phonemic awareness (vocabulary, fluency and comprehension also) Grades 3 and up Vocabulary Fluency Comprehension

7 Community of Learners Classroom Community StudentText Academic safety Psychological safety Knowledge, content, vocabulary background Structure, Vocabulary Motivation: choice, clear goals Strategies, motivation Relevancy, respect Literacy enrichedCultureRigor, accessibility

8 Commitment to Literacy is…… integrated language arts & content print & literacy rich classrooms arts, and technology for accessing, understanding, and communicating reading to and with students daily students reading independently with accountability writing about reading teaching, modeling, practicing literacy strategies aligning resources with belief about literacy

9 Science Venn Diagram & Compare and Contrast Paragraph

10 Intervention: Scope Magazine & Readers Handbook

11 Mathematics Journal

12 Classroom Libraries

13 Accountable Independent Reading

14 Accountability for Independent Reading

15 Read to in Global Studies

16 Word Wall in Science

17 Root words, prefixes, suffixes

18 First Grade Word Wall

19 Student Made Word Wall

20 First Grade Expository Writing

21 Multiple Symbol Systems to Learn Science Vocabulary

22 Parent Engagement

23 Using Literature to Scaffold to Authentic Work

24 Main idea, supporting details

25 JHMS Media Center Marketing Books

26 SLHS Media Center Marketing Books

27 Literacy Leadership Modeling

28 Daily Literacy Non-negotiables Print, literacy rich classroom Use processes of literacy: reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, thinking, expressing through multiple symbol systems Read to and with students Teach, model, practice strategies of expert readers and writers Read by themselves with accountability K-1 Phonics and phonemic awareness

29 Strategies of Expert Readers Prediction: What is it about? What will happen next? Visualization: picturing the story Connection:self, text, world Questioning: asking questions Clarification: answering own questions with context clues, pictures, rereading, etc. Evaluation: thinking before, during, after reading

30 Strategies Monitoring comprehension Recognizing text structure Summarizing Using graphic/semantic organizers

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