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Presentation on theme: "PERFECT TENSES IES NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LA CABEZA (2º BACHILLERATO)"— Presentation transcript:


2 PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE To describe actions or states which started in the past and continue up to the present  UNFINISHED ACTIONSTo describe actions or states which started in the past and continue up to the present  UNFINISHED ACTIONS e.g. I ’ ve studied English for eight years. To describe past actions which have an effect in the present  VERY RECENT ACTIONSTo describe past actions which have an effect in the present  VERY RECENT ACTIONS e.g. I ’ ve studied a lot so I ’ m very tired To describe past experiences  LIFE EXPERIENCESTo describe past experiences  LIFE EXPERIENCES e.g. Have you ever been abroad?

3 A bit of humour

4 PRESENT PERFECT vs. PAST SIMPLE The main difference between these two forms is their relation to present time.The main difference between these two forms is their relation to present time. PAST SIMPLE: It refers to a specific moment in the past.PAST SIMPLE: It refers to a specific moment in the past. TIME EXPRESSIONS: yesterday, last week, two days ago…TIME EXPRESSIONS: yesterday, last week, two days ago… E.g. I worked in Tomelloso two years ago PRESENT PERFECT: The action has a result in the present. Either the action continues up to the present or the period of time in which the action took place is not finished.PRESENT PERFECT: The action has a result in the present. Either the action continues up to the present or the period of time in which the action took place is not finished. TIME EXPRESSIONS: for, since, ever, never, already, yet, recently, How long, so far…TIME EXPRESSIONS: for, since, ever, never, already, yet, recently, How long, so far… E.g. I ’ ve worked at this school since 2011. (I still work here)

5 PRESENT PERFECT -SINCE is used to express a starting point -FOR is used to express a period of time -HOW LONG is used to ask for duration 1)I’ve studied English ……….2000 2)I’ve studied English ……..12 years 3)I haven’t seen Mary …..… ages 4)I’ve known Ann …..… October

6 FOR / SINCE / HOW LONG -SINCE is used to express a starting point -FOR is used to express a period of time -HOW LONG is used to ask for duration 1)I’ve studied English SINCE 2000 2)I’ve studied English FOR 12 years 3)I haven’t seen Mary FOR ages 4)I’ve known Ann SINCE October

7 YET / ALREADY / JUST YET is used in negations and questionsYET is used in negations and questions ALREADY is used in statementsALREADY is used in statements JUST refers to an action that has recently happenedJUST refers to an action that has recently happened 1) Have you finished …….? 2) No, sir. We haven’t finished ……. 3) Has she bought the milk ………..? 4) Yes, she’s ……… bought it.

8 YET / ALREADY / JUST YET is used in negations and questionsYET is used in negations and questions ALREADY is used in statementsALREADY is used in statements JUST refers to an action that has recently happenedJUST refers to an action that has recently happened 1) Have you finished YET? 2) No, sir. We haven’t finished YET 3) Has she bought the milk YET? 4) Yes, she’s ALREADY/JUST bought it.

9 EVER / NEVER - EVER is used in interrogative sentences to ask about past experiences. Have you ever visited London? - NEVER is used to describe an action that hasn’t happened in your life. I have never (ever) seen a giraffe.

10 BEEN / GONE BEEN means that you travelled away and came back   I’ve been to England (I visited England and then came back) GONE means that you travelled away and you stayed there  Peter has gone to England (He’s still there)

11 A bit of humour

12 PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS 4. To give emphasis on duration, usually with for, since or how long. I’ve been writing e-mails since 9 o’clock!

13 A bit of practice 1) How long ……… she ……….. (work) here? 2) She ……………(work) at this shop for two years. 3) ……. you ……… (enjoy) the concert yesterday? 4) Yes, we ……… (have) a really good time 5) What ……… you ………..… (do) this morning? 6) I …………… (paint) my house. Look at my hands!

14 A bit of practice 1) How long HAS she WORKED here? 2) She HAS WORKED at this shop for two years. 3) DID you ENJOY the concert yesterday? 4) Yes, we HAD a really good time 5) What HAVE you BEEN DOING (do) this morning? 6) I’VE BEEN PAINTING my house. Look at my hands!

15 PAST PERFECT a)To describe actions which happened before another action in the past. - By the time the police arrived, the people had already caught the thief b) To describe an action that was completed by a specific time in the past. - By the age of 10, John had learned to speak French fluently.

16 More examples Complete the sentences 1) By the time Adam arrived at the theatre, the play ……. (start) 2) When I got home, mum ……...(left) 3) He couldn’t find his watch. He ………. (lose) it. 4) She ……. (work) on the computer all night, so she was dizzy. 5) The patient died before the ambulance ……. (reach) the hospital.

17 Past perfect continuous A)To describe continous actions which were happening in the past before another short action took place. - He had been travelling in India for some years when he fell ill B)To emphasize the duration of an action - I had been waiting here for ages.

18 1. He was very tired. He …. (drive) for four hours 2. His eyes were aching. He ……. (work) on the computer all day. 3. she looked really happy. She …… (just, see) her exam results. 4. her clothes were very dirty. She ……. (paint) her room.

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