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Terrorism, Violence, and Revolt. What are some examples of international terrorism in our world today that have impacted developed and developing nations?

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Presentation on theme: "Terrorism, Violence, and Revolt. What are some examples of international terrorism in our world today that have impacted developed and developing nations?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Terrorism, Violence, and Revolt

2 What are some examples of international terrorism in our world today that have impacted developed and developing nations? How has terrorism impacted developed and developing nations in the contemporary world?

3 Northern Ireland 1960s-1990s Munich Olympics 1972 Chile and leader Pinochet 1973 9/11

4 Ireland

5 Northern Ireland- 1960s-1990s. Secular violence. The Troubles

6 Northern Ireland- 1960s-1990s. Secular violence. The Troubles between the Nationalists (Catholics) v Unionists (Protestants) The issue: whether to remain united with Great Britain. 30 years of intense violence IRA - Irish Republican Army fostered the violence to encourage a separation from GB It was here the first theories of how to create an effective group for change using violence where developed. And it was here people learned of how to effectively deal with violence and terrorism

7 Northern Ireland- 1960s-1990s. Secular violence. The Peace Process involved ceasefire agreements, decommissioning of weapons, and withdrawal of British troops In 2005 the IRA declared an end to its campaign and Britain, for the 1st time, recognizes the “Irish dimension” Today there is real peace and real promise as the Northern Irish pursue the path of a devolved gov’t

8 1972 Munich Olympics


10 Only three TV stations in America Limited access to information Consider: How important can you make your cause if you can get on TV....?

11 Chile and dictator Pinochet

12 Chile was a communist nation in the early 1970s. Pinochet (under secret American guidance) instituted a coup d etat (the other 9/11) and became the leader/president from 1974-1990. Lots of allegations of violence under the regime but American foreign policy in the Cold War era supported anyone who was anti-communist no matter how they might treat the citizens.

13 9/11

14 Al-Quada with leader Osama Bin Laden Results: Invasion of Iraq and Invasion of Afghanistan Patriot Act - giving the federal govt rights to read emails, tap phones without a warrant. This was canceled in 2008

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