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The Longest Conflict Intermediate Global Literature.

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2 The Longest Conflict Intermediate Global Literature

3 Early English Interest  1 1 1 1171  P P P Pope Alexander III  I I I Ireland to Henry II  1 1 1 1500’s  H H H Henry VIII & Elizabeth I  C C C Colonization increased  R R R Rebellions

4 1600s Colonization  C C C Colonization  E E E English & Scottish settlers  O O O Oliver Cromwell conquered  B B B Battle of the Boyne  P P P Protestant King William  C C C Catholic King James  K K K King William won  E E E England claimed Ireland

5 Split Between North & South  1 1 1 1912  H H H Home rule campaign  N N N N. Ireland Parliament  1 1 1 1920s  N N N North: British rule  S S S South: Ireland  1 1 1 1949  I I I Irish full republic  B B B British government makes promises to Northern Ireland Parliament

6 1960s Civil Rights  1 1 1 1961  R R R Riots in N. Ireland  B B B British army deployed  I I I Irish Republican Army  C C C Civilian or IRA?  1 1 1 1968  R R R Riots in N. Ireland  R R R RUC (British police) IIIIrish Catholic youth  R R R RUC/IRA armed conflict  1 1 1 1969  O O O Official IRA: political  P P P Provisional IRA: hard-line indepencence campaign

7 1970s Violence  I I I IRA ““““The British Army is a foreign army on Irish soil.” OOOOrganize rioting Catholic youth KKKKill British Police with booby-trap bombs  K K K Killings CCCCatholic and Protestant civilians PPPParamilitary members BBBBritish soldiers and police  “ “ “ “Revenge Acts”  H uman, car & letter bombs  R ailway stations & airports estaraunts & stores

8 Attacks & Talks  1 1 1 1980s AAAAttacks on British mainland & abroad  E E E Early 1990s BBBBattle-related deaths decrease BBBBritish & Irish informal talks IIIIRA secretly meets British govt  A A A August 1994 IIIIRA ceasefire

9 Negotiation Deadlock  1 1 1 1995 IIIInternational attention PPPPresident Clinton to N. Ireland  1 1 1 1996 BBBBritish fail to negotiate AAAAnother IRA bombing campaign  1 1 1 1997 nnnnegotiation process revived hhhhostilities stop BBBBritish to negotiate if IRA ceasefire IIIIRA hardliners bomb police stations

10 Majority for Peace  1 1 1 1998 “The Belfast Agreement” 77771% in Northern Ireland 55551% Northern Irish Protestants 99999% Catholics  1 1 1 1999 “Good Friday Agreement” DDDDifficulty convincing smaller factions to join

11 Decommission of Weapons 2222001 IIIIRA refused to decommission weapons BBBBritish government pressure IIIIRA began putting up arms 2222002 BBBBritish government unsatisfied IIIInstalled direct rule from London 2222005 IIIIRA militants end armed campaign DDDDecommissioning officially complete BBBBritish continued suspension of N. Ireland institutions

12 Ongoing Tensions After almost a thousand years, the situation in Northern Ireland continues as one of the longest conflicts in history.

13 Sources  2008 Department of Peace and Conflict Resource 

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