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Welcome to Appling County Primary Parent Orientation!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Appling County Primary Parent Orientation!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Appling County Primary Parent Orientation!

2 K-2 Calendar Students will be served for 170 days with 6 ½ hours of instruction daily All parents have a copy of the K-2 Calendar in their packets. It is the same as the calendar for the other grade levels for the 2012 – 2013 school year. Available on the district website at

3 Common Core Standards This year we have a new curriculum from the state as well as on a national level for our students. The hands-on lessons are equipped with learning using manipulatives, texts, and solving problems with technology as well.

4 BYOT has Arrived! Bring your own Technology is going to be a great asset to instruction. Teachers will use this in their classrooms on scheduled days and parents will be notified when to let students bring their Technology. Only the Appling Co. system Wifi will be used with a filtering blocking system. A BYOT form will need to be filled out and kept with teacher along with the description of the device. More info on Website! Other devices will be available for use if students do not have a device at this time.

5 Parent Conferences Measuring the child’s growth and development **1 st Parent-Teacher Conference in November/December **2 nd Parent-Teacher Conference in March/April

6 Required information from parents.. Birth certificate Social security card Proof of residence Immunizations on Form 3231 (required by SEPTEMBER 18, 2012) ACPS Registration Form/ Information Sheet School Green Card for sign out/in of students Nurse Yellow card for illness/sign out of students

7 If NO Immunization by September 18, 2012 The child has to be sent home until the immunization record is current.

8 Research shows that attendance is the single most important factor in school success. A missed day of school = A missed day of learning

9 Attendance Policy The attendance policy will be given to you today. Please sign second page and return to your child’s teacher before leaving your child’s classroom.

10 Is it time to eat yet? Parents have or will receive free and reduced lunch forms and an E-Rate Survey. They MUST BE returned. Parents will be notified of status.

11 Transportation Your child’s safety is our primary concern. PICK UP STUDENTS – We have 2 pick-up/drop off locations. First/Second in front and Kindergarten/Pre-Kindergarten in the back. You will receive two car tags per child and family to hang on your vehicle mirror. We will look for the car tag when you come through the pick-up line. If you forget the tag, please park in the parking lot, walk across on the crosswalk, and pick your child up from the teacher. If a car tag is lost, they will cost $2.00 for a new one. Our release time at ACPS is 2:20PM.

12 Transportation If your child is picked up by a different person than you, please make sure that person has the car tag. If not, the person will have to park and come inside. You must have a note sent to school or the person must be on the green card that is in your student packet. The note must include the date, person’s name, your signature, and a number where you can be called to verify the information. The person will need to have his/her driver’s license for verification as well. No child can be signed out past 2:00 PM. Please do not call at the last minute to change your child’s transportation.

13 Reminder! Bus Changes!!! Any bus changes for a student must be written on a note with the information listed below:. Date. Child’s name and teacher. Address to where the child is going. Adult’s name for that address. Telephone number of parent with parent’s signature. Bus number for the child to ride

14 This is a Must! Please!!! * Make sure you have contacted the bus diver and that he/she knows your child before tomorrow afternoon’s ride home. *If your child is in line for the buses, do not take the child out of the line without informing the teacher.

15 Medication at School No medication can be given to any child without the parent’s permission. Medicine is brought to school by the parent and given to the nurse. Teachers cannot give students any type of medication: cough drops, vitamins, etc. Only the nurse can dispense medicine at our school.

16 Sending Money to School!!! When sending money to school for lunch, pictures, etc. Please place money in a sealed envelope with the following information:.your child’s name. total amount sent. purpose of the money. teacher’s name

17 Important!!!! Please send an extra set of labeled clothes for your child. Change clothes that match the season. It is hot now. Please send another set of clothing for your child as it turns cold! This will be incase a student was to have an accident such as spill milk on their clothes at lunch.

18 HOW CAN YOU INCREASE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT? Be sure to check your child’s book bag and folder. It contains important information and upcoming assessments. Please send notes to school in the folder. Read to your child every day. Ask who, what, when, and why questions when reading a story. Ask questions about the pictures in a story. Work with your child on completing homework or school assignments. Only provide assistance and let them be the ones to solve the problems and complete HW.

19 RESOURCES FOR HELP Teacher Parapro Front office Secretaries Administrators School Website Discovery Place Parent Resource Center

20 HOW CAN YOU PARTICIPATE IN DECISIONS REGARDING YOUR CHILD? Conference with teacher Be a parent volunteer Join PTO Serve on a school committee such as Parental Involvement

21 TO DO List for PARENTS Sign in on Class Sign In Sheets Pick up Beginning of School Packet in your child’s classroom. Return all forms to school signed and completed by the next day or two.

22 Together We Soar at ACPS We want you to know that we look forward to working with you and your child this year as a TEAM! You are your child’s first teacher and then we are their next educators. We could not be as successful at school without your support at home.

23 Thanks for Coming! Have a Great Year!

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