or Stage Fright!  Caused by three things:  Fear of Failure  Physical Tension  Mental Tension.

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2 or Stage Fright!  Caused by three things:  Fear of Failure  Physical Tension  Mental Tension

3  Fear of Failure:  1. have something to do  2. know how to do it well  3. practice  4. preparation  Physical Tension:  Learn to Relax  Mental Tension:  Concentrate on Physical Relaxation

4 Introduction Body Conclusion

5  There are three purposes of an introduction:  1) to gain the attention of the audience  2) to establish knowledge and credibility  3) to inform the audience of the purpose

6  The first sentence that you say to your audience should get their attention and make them want to listen to your message. There are 8 types of “attention getters” to help you do this.  1) Story – to tell an event that happened to someone else.  Ex. Ann was a hard working student that had every intention of going to college.

7  2) Quote: To restate the words of someone famous or credible  Ex. In the words of the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “I have a dream…”  3) Humor: To start with a joke or funny anecdote  Ex. There, on 5 th Avenue, marched a pack of dogs all wearing dresses.  4) Personal Experience: To tell a story about yourself  Ex. I had always intended to go to college someday.

8  5) Startling Statement: To say something that will shock the audience and make them want to listen for clarification  Ex: Don left his house that day without knowing that it would be the last time he would see his family.  6) Question: A rhetorical questions that doesn’t require an answer. Only used to promote thought.  Ex: Do you know what it would be like to plummet 60 stories through the air and live to tell about it?  7) Reference to Surroundings: Make Reference to something in the room so the audience can compare.  Ex: Refugees in prison camps slept in closets the size of that closet.

9  8) Statistics: Using numerical facts  Ex: 50% of American smokers started smoking before the age of 13.  Never start your speech with:  1) I did mine over…  2) I didn’t find…  3) I am going to tell you about…  This sounds like you don’t think your topic is interesting enough to put effort into. If you don’t think that it is interesting then your audience won’t want to listen to it either.

10  On your own paper write one example for each of the 8 attention getters.  Write the number and the title of that attention getter and then the example.  1. Story – Last year, at Randall High School there was a student who qualified for the National Speech Tournament.

11  Thesis Statement  Preview

12  Within each speech are sub points of the original topic. These are called body points. When giving a speech each body point should be discussed separate from the others.  Transitions: Words or phrases that link separate ideas together and add flow to the rhythm of the speech.  Ex. On the other hand, whereas, ultimately, therefore  Organizational Patterns: arranging sub-points of your speech so that the audience will be able to follow along with ease and the speaker can make sure that the points are well supported by their information.

13  Temporal pattern: Organizing information on a timeline  Spatial Pattern: Organizing points by use of space. For example, size, east to west, top to bottom.  Compare and Contrast: Compare each of the sub points to each other.  Advantages and Disadvantages: Listing bad and good things about the sub points  Problem-Solution: Stating a problem and listing possible solutions.

14 Conclusions are the last and lasing statement that you will make to your audience. It should be clear and final, never using any new points or information.  Purposes for conclusions:  Summarize your sub-points  Leave the audience with a thought  Types of conclusions: 1) Request 2) Quote 3) Reference to opening story 4) Emotional appeal

15  NEVER SAY:  That’s it  I’m done  Thank you  The End

16  Introduction  Attention Getter  Thesis Statement  Preview  Body  Conclusion  Summary  Concluding Statement

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