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Heather Barse Starring… Becky RodbournKen Talbot Burr District Elementary, a Region 17 School, Presents.

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Presentation on theme: "Heather Barse Starring… Becky RodbournKen Talbot Burr District Elementary, a Region 17 School, Presents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heather Barse Starring… Becky RodbournKen Talbot Burr District Elementary, a Region 17 School, Presents

2 Teacher Teamwork Mrs. Barse, Mrs. Rodbourn, and Mr. Talbot meet frequently each week. We share planning and teaching strategies for reading, writing, and math. We share our students, who rotate through six science and social studies units between all three teachers. Students in all three classes will have similar homework, projects, and classroom expectations.

3 Typical Day: 8:35 School Opens & Students Arrive 8:50 Students go to Art, Music, P.E., Library, or Spanish 9:35Morning Meeting 9:45 Writing 11:00Math (Afternoon on M,W, & F) 12:00 Recess and Lunch 1:00 Science/Social Studies 1:45 Word Work (Spelling and Vocabulary) 2:00Reading (Mornings on M,W, & F) 3:15 Afternoon Meeting 3:25 Dismissal

4 Readers’ & Writers’ Workshop The program comes to us from Columbia University and Lucy Calkins. Readers’ & Writers’ Workshop is a reading instruction methodology that focuses on students actually practicing reading skills during their own reading. Feedback from several parents of last year’s students and this year’s students shows that students are becoming “readers”. A workshop period consists of a mini-lesson, independent work, conferring and small group instruction and sharing with partners.

5 Reading Units of Study Bringing Reading to Life Interpreting characters: The heart of the story Purposeful reading of non fiction Social Issues Book Clubs Nonfiction Book Clubs Poetry Historical Fiction Book Clubs Information Reading and Debate

6 Writing Units of Study Realistic Fiction Persuasive Essays Literary Essays Expository Essays Poetry The Craft of Fiction: Figurative Language, Symbolism, Point of View Journalism

7 Publishing Assignments During each reading unit, students will be bringing home their completed writing piece for publishing. Students are expected to type their writing piece and make any final corrections. Although it is tempting, please be careful not to insert your writing into their work. It is wonderful if you want to sit an work with your child, but please allow them to make corrections independently. Students will have one week to complete the publishing assignment.

8 Math The C.C.S.S. (Common Core State Standards) reflect a philosophy of deep study within a math topic and fewer topics studied at each grade level. This year is our fourth year of diving into the standards. Students are expected to show and explain their thinking. This is our 3 rd year of the “flipped” classroom, where children watch a math video and take notes each night so that they are prepared for class the following day. Our math sessions consist of a mini-lesson with guided practice, independent, partner and group work, re-teaching, extensions and enrichment. An exit slip is given at the end of each lesson to assess understanding of the concept taught and determine the need for continued practice, re- teaching and enrichment

9 Math Units of Study September: Multi-digit Whole Number Computation October.: Factors and Multiples November: Multi-digit Multiplication and Division * December: Solving Problems with Measurement January & February: Comparing Fractions and Understanding Decimal Notation – Including Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions March: Properties of 2D Shapes * April: Angles and Angle Measurement May & June: Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication of Fractions * These two math units were basically switched this year.

10 Science & Social Studies Rotation There are 4 units of science and 2 units of social studies. Each teacher teaches 2 units to all 3 classes in 6 week segments. Science units include: Magnets & Electricity, Ecosystems, Water Cycle & Erosion, and Motion & Design. Social Studies units are taught by Mrs. Barse Students will be studying the regions of the United States and a closer look at Connecticut.

11 Homework Policy and Rationale Fourth grade homework is consistent in all three classrooms. Based on district policy students in fourth grade have 35 minutes of homework each night. The fourth grade teachers value homework that is connected to classroom instruction, accommodates different learning needs, based on research, and has a positive impact on academic achievement.

12 Nightly Homework Each night students should: Read for at least 20 minutes and record in their reading log. Record 1 post-it that reflects their thinking while reading. Watch the assigned math video (available on the Grade 4 website) and take notes. If necessary, practice math facts.

13 Consequences for missed assignments 1)1 st missed assignment in each month: a reminder 2)2 nd missed assignment in each month: Student will take a working lunch in the classroom. 3)3 rd missed assignment in each month: Student will take a working lunch in the classroom. Students will work with their families to complete an action plan to help them with their homework routine. This will be completed at home. 4) 4 th missed assignment in each month: Student will take a working lunch in the classroom. Your child’s teacher will notify you to discuss concerns and ways in which he or she can support your child

14 Homework Routine At this age students are capable of completing their homework independently, BUT often need to help creating a routine. Please work with your child to create a procedure of when and where homework will be completed. Students also need to create a routine for putting their materials back in their backpacks before they come to school.

15 Fourth Grade Activities Fourth graders host the final Burr School community meeting and share experiences from their years at BES. Fourth graders go on a field trip to Hartford, where we learn more about the government and history of CT. Fourth graders take a field trip to the HK Middle School to tour the school and learn about programs. Fourth grade band students join other students from KES and HES to play in a District Elementary Band concert. They go to the middle school for one rehearsal before the concert. Fourth grade students are also invited to participate in Select Chorus.

16 Transition to Middle School HKMS sends information to parents that needs to be filled out and returned to the fourth grade teacher. Students get a visit here at Burr from middle school counselors, who explain the programs and procedures for the middle school. Students go on the field trip to the middle school. Students attend programs during the summer at the middle school to get them used to their new “home”. Students get summer reading projects handed out in their last fourth grade report card.

17 Final Thoughts… Having a water bottle at school is very helpful. Buying or making a set of multiplication and division flash cards is very helpful when trying to master your math facts! Please sign up for an October and March Parent- Teacher conference. Look for Sign-up sheets from each classroom teacher.

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