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Welcome to Fourth Grade Curriculum Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Fourth Grade Curriculum Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Fourth Grade Curriculum Night

2 Classroom Expectations
FISH! Philosophy Capturing Kids Hearts (CKH) Social Contract Hand Signals Four Questions Consequences Economy and Discipline

3 CKH Four Questions for Dealing with Misbehavior
What are you doing? What are you supposed to be doing? Are you doing it? What are you going to do about it?

4 Classroom Consequences for Misbehavior
Level Green = “Good Day”.  Everyone starts out on green each day. Level Yellow = Student  receives Verbal Warning Level Orange = Student meets with teacher and misses part of recess. Level Red = Student fills out a Responsibility Form to be signed by a parent or guardian and returned. Student calls parent and misses recess.  Level Blue = Additional inappropriate behavior will result in a visit to the principal in the office.  If a child is consistently being placed on level yellow, red, or blue, a phone call home and a possible parent/teacher conference will result.  If you are hearing from me regarding your child’s behavior, they have had many opportunities to change their behavior. 

5 Homework Homework goes home as a packet on the first day of the week.
Return packets on the last day of the week unless otherwise noted. Reading, Math Facts, and Word Study Nightly Parent Signature on Homework Planning Sheet Phone calls will be made to parent (from child) if homework is not turned in the day it is due. EXCEPTIONS are made for Sickness Vacations

6 Communication From School
Homework Packet Newsletters Websites s Conferences

7 Communicating with Mr. L
I want to know about changes, questions, or concerns with your child’s health, behavior, routine, or academics Communicate regularly by… Phone: ext.2222 Notes Schedule an appointment

8 WE NEED YOU! Ample Volunteer Opportunities!
Return a Volunteer Consent Form What’s Your Availability? Dates Times Frequency Volunteer at School or at Home! Call: ext.2222

9 Fourth Grade Curriculum
Introducing the...… Fourth Grade Curriculum

10 MATH Everyday Math Differentiated Instruction Math Facts
Student Journal Student Reference Book Family Letters Differentiated Instruction Math Facts 0 -18 for addition & subtraction entering 4th 0– 12 for multiplication & division by January MEAP in early October

11 LITERACY INSTRUCTION What you can expect… Focus on Love of Literacy
Reading and Writing Workshop Format Whole Group Explicit Instruction One on One Conferences Flexible Small Group Strategy Instruction Individualized Reading and Writing Goals MEAP Preparation

12 LITERACY CURRICULUM Reading and Writing Process
Book Selection and Genre Selection Genre Features Authors and Illustrators Comprehension I understand what I read and my reader understands what I write. Accuracy I can read and write without errors. Fluency I control my pace as I read and write. Expanding Vocabulary I can find, know, and use interesting words and phrases.

13 READING How We Read… What We Read… Independent Reading Anthologies
Partner Reading Teacher Read Aloud Guided Reading What We Read… Anthologies Chapter Books Picture Books/Trade Books AR Books Magazine Articles Readers Theaters and Plays Content Area Reading Genre Studies

14 WRITING What we write… Personal Narratives Fiction Stories Essays
Poems Persuasive writing Descriptive writing How-To writing Letter writing Content Areas Reflections Reading Responses …and more!

15 WORD STUDY No Excuse High Frequency Words 10 per month
Individualized Word Lists Tailored to Your Child’s Spelling Stage Word Study Activities at School and Home Nightly Study at Home Weekly Tests on Fridays

16 SOCIAL STUDIES Regional History Economics and Mini-Economy
Core Democratic Values Government Geography

17 SCIENCE Magnetism and Electricity Organisms in Their Environment
States of Matter Our View From the Earth Personal Hygiene & Reproductive Health in the Spring

18 TECHNOLOGY WEBSITES Keyboarding Lesson Enhancement Game Practice
Keyboarding Lesson Enhancement Game Practice Internet Research Publishing Parent/Student Survey Reminder

19 BEYOND THE CLASSROOM Flag Duty Stream Study Fieldtrips
Survival Swim ???



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