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Abstinence from sexual activity = no sex Abstinence doesn’t mean NEVER it means NOT UNTIL MARRIAGE or until in a healthy relationship It’s hard to abstain.

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Presentation on theme: "Abstinence from sexual activity = no sex Abstinence doesn’t mean NEVER it means NOT UNTIL MARRIAGE or until in a healthy relationship It’s hard to abstain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abstinence from sexual activity = no sex Abstinence doesn’t mean NEVER it means NOT UNTIL MARRIAGE or until in a healthy relationship It’s hard to abstain when it is all around you right?! Abstinence is the only 100% effective birth control and disease protection!! It’s normal to feel sexual (everyone does) but whether you act on it or not is YOUR CHOICE not anyone else's

2 Pros and Cons Of “Waiting”: CONS PROS

3 Things to do with someone without having sexual relations: __________________________________________

4 Homework: Sex in advertising: Pick a commercial or cut out an ad which uses”sex” to sell the product. Answer these questions on a piece of paper: 1. What product is being sold 2. Describe the people in the ad 3. Is there any factual information given? 4. What image or message is the advertising trying to get across with this ad? 5. What is this product supposed to do for you? 6. Why do you think “sex” was used to sell this product? Song analysis: Pick a song and do the following questions : 1. Is sex mentioned directly or indirectly in the song? (give examples) 2. Does the song promote pre-marital sex in any way? 3. Does the song mention sex in a loving relationship? Is there any mention of LOVE? 4. What is the message you get from this song? 5. Do you think this song sends positive or negative messages regarding relationships and love?

5 Saying NO and Staying COOL : How can you say no and still be cool? Pressure Activity (with partners of opposite sex) Come up with creative comebacks if someone is pressuring you into having sex Discussion questions?

6 Trainer Dan’s Take….. Too many kids have sex TOO SOON The media and other people make it look so fun and easy to do with just anyone but that is not the truth Sex is not good unless you really care about the person and you are comfortable Kids think they are ready but aren’t. How do you know if you are ready? If you think you are ready wait 6 more months. There are consequences besides pregnancy and STDS which you don’t hear about SEX CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING!!!!! I’ve seen people having sex too soon and getting really messed up in the head Harm your ability to have close relationships for the rest of your life! It changes people, Relationships are ruined Feelings of regret, guilt, feel cheap (used) and bad about themselves Whether you like it or not when you have sex you become EMOTIONALLY ATTATCHED. You have the rest of your lives to be having sex and if you start now nothing will be exciting by the time you get old! You would have already tried everything and you will be bored by it If you are going to have sex you should AT LEAST be in LOVE REMEMBER: having sex and being in love are NOT the same thing If you are going to have sex you should be able to talk about these things and say words like penis, vagina etc without cracking up and feeling embarrassed If you are going to have sex you should be comfortable with your body and not be embarrassed-you should know how to communicate with your partner about everything regarding sex You must be able to ask the person you are going to be sexually with who they have been with and make sure they don’t have any diseases You will know when it is right-don’t try to push it just because your friends

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