West Virginias Archery in the Schools Program Getting students on-target for life.

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1 West Virginias Archery in the Schools Program Getting students on-target for life

2 WV Archery in the Schools Program Pilot Project in 2004 (18 schools) Objective: Provide physical education students with an opportunity to become involved in a life skill that has no barriers.

3 Reaching our Objective Partnerships – DNR, Dept of Ed., NASP, organizations (WVBA), community organization Similar Equipment – Allows all students to participate Coordination/ Support Provided by certified instructors from the DNR. Certification (National Requirement) ONLY Certified instructors

4 Basic Archery Certification To participate, all instructors are required to receive archery Certification through DNR. 12 Hours of Instruction Eligible for CE Hours

5 Instructors Training Overview of program expectations and compliance Course Layout Safety guidelines Equipment needs Maintenance of archery equipment Proper shooting form Competitive style shooting Funding opportunities

6 KYs Success In 2002, KY Implemented a pilot program called On target for Life 21 Schools

7 Kentuckys Success 750 schools (800,000 students) 8 State Tournaments with more than 12,000 students participating Hosting Nationals – 3,000 Annually

8 KYs Teachers Report Teachers Report: Students are enthusiastic about learning archery Student behavior and attendance is improved on archery days Students that historically resisted PE class are eager to participate in archery Students who excel in archery class are not only the stereotypical athletes

9 WVs Pilot Program Fall of 2004 32 instructors from 18 pilot schools completed the required training.

10 Where are we now? After 7-years Held trainings in every region of the state Certified 486 PE teachers 250 schools participating Hosted 6 State Archery Tournaments Hundreds of Students have attended National Archery Tournament, Louisville KY

11 Why is the program so popular? Its Fun – Anyone can participate No Physical limitations – Girls/Boys (big/small) Equipment Tournaments (competitiveness) Strong interest in bowhunting (150,000 in WV) Something they can do outside the class room (clubs, competition shoots, family)

12 Equipment 10 Genesis bows 5 Olympic Style Targets Backstop Equipment Box (storage) Specifically designed Aluminum Arrows Arrow stand (quiver) Arm guards

13 Getting Started Receive Training August 2 nd – 3 rd Pipestem Resort State Park Equipment ($2,000) –Sponsorships –Fundraisers –Sporting Organizations –Archery Stores & Clubs

14 If youre interested… Contact DNR Enough interest (15 teachers) Offer 4 trainings a year $25 Training to cover cost of materials, handouts, etc…

15 Original Goals – Completed To provide students with a life skill that has no barriers Successfully implement the program in the pilot schools Fall 2004 Train an additional 20 schools (Yearly) Hold State archery tournament (6 th annual – 2011 w. 629 participants) School to represent WV at the next KY tournament

16 Future Goals Continue to host trainings in every region of the state (every 3 – 4 months). Implement this program into every county of the state. Host regional and state tournament, annually.

17 Measure of Success 2011 State Archery Tournament 619 Participants 60 Divisional Teams 2,026 total attendance

18 Partners

19 Testimony http://www.wchstv.com/newsroom/wvwildlife/2011/ww110406.s html

20 Comments or Questions

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