Resumes Class Workbook. What is a Resume? o Resumes are job search tools that show potential employers who are you. o They summarize your knowledge, skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Resumes Class Workbook. What is a Resume? o Resumes are job search tools that show potential employers who are you. o They summarize your knowledge, skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resumes Class Workbook

2 What is a Resume? o Resumes are job search tools that show potential employers who are you. o They summarize your knowledge, skills and abilities. o The goal of your resume is to lead you to a job interview.

3 Why Write a Resume? o Most employers require applicants to submit a resume. o Without one you may not get considered. o The average amount of time an employer spends skimming a resume is 20 seconds. o Make sure you design a resume that looks great and grabs your reader’s attention.

4 Creating a winning resume can make the difference between ending up in an employer’s “to be interviewed” pile or the “not interested” pile.

5 Resume Types o Four different types of resume styles. o You will be creating a combination style (which combines chronological and functional). o You will highlight and sort all of your work experience, education, and skills with the most recent first. o You will also incorporate unpaid experience, such as volunteer work.

6 Resume Headings o You use headings to organize your resume. o Headings should reflect the information that the reader will find in that section.

7 Contact Information Although “Contact Information” isn’t included as an actual heading, clearly that information must be included on your resume.

8 Contact Information o Includes your name, address, phone number(s) and email. o Could be formatted creatively as a personal letterhead. ** Remember: Always be professional. Don’t include inappropriate email addresses. If your current email isn’t professional, create a new one.

9 Examples

10 Job Objective

11 o This is a short statement about your career goal or employment objective. o It can help focus readers by letting them know what kind of work you are looking for. o Try to avoid wordy job objectives, stick to the position you are applying for.

12 Examples

13 Skills & Qualifications

14 Skills o You need to make your skills stand out if you want to catch the employer’s attention. o The most effective resumes contain skill headings with three to five bullets that provide solid examples of your accomplishments. o To add strength to your skills, begin the sentence with an action verb. (See action verb hand-out sheet).

15 Skills o Some sample skill headings are as follows: o Communication Skills o Customer Service Skills o Administrative Skills o Construction Skills o Health and Safety Skills

16 Example

17 Qualifications o Should provide an employer with a picture of your most important and relevant qualifications. o You want to highlight key qualifications that make you a good candidate for the position. o Usually includes three-to-five key points you want an employer to know.

18 Qualifications o It is very similar to skills, which is why we are combining them. o You might have awards and accomplishments that you want to include in your resume. o These will be included in a more appropriate section under “Certificates and Awards”.

19 Example

20 Education

21 o List your education, including formal schooling (high school) and informal education (workshops, seminars). o You do not need to include your elementary or junior high schools. o List in date order, with the most recent first. o List any special courses that might relate to the job. o Avoid listing grades on your resume.

22 Examples

23 Work & Volunteer Experience Work Experience and Volunteer Experience should be separated, but both are formatted in the same way.

24 Work Experience o Summarizes all of your work experience with the most recent position first, then in date order going back in time. o Make sure the formatting is consistent. o Work Experience should include information such as: o Job title o Company Name o Company location (city, province) o Dates of employment o Duties/description of what you did o Major accomplishments

25 Example

26 Volunteer Experience o Outlines skills or abilities that have come from volunteer activities. o Try to keep it organized based on most recent date.

27 Example

28 Extracurricular Activities

29 o This is whatever hobby, interest, or club you are interested in outside of the classroom. o Play sports? List the teams you play for. In the school play? List the production information. Sing in the choir? List the concerts you performed at. o Try to include the dates of participation.

30 Example

31 Certificates & Awards


33 Hobbies & Interests

34 o When listing interests, you should make sure that they relate to the job you are applying for. o If you are applying for a job as a mechanic’s helper and you enjoy working on cars then that would be an appropriate interest to list.

35 Example

36 References

37 o Your references always appear last on your resume. o You can either include them at the very end, or you can create a separate sheet just for your references. o You should have three (3) references.

38 References o Remember: o You cannot use family members. o You must ask your references for permission before using them. o Choose good references. Make sure the people you choose are going to say good things about you.

39 References o Information to Include: o Full name o Job title or relationship to you o Company they work for o Address of company o Home number o Work number is possible

40 Example

41 Resume Tips  Proofread!  Use clear fonts with font size between 10-12 points.  Use white space.  Be clear and concise.  Keep your resume up to date.  Keep your resume brief enough to fit on one-two pages.

42 DO NOT… o Include experience from too far back. o Make your margins and font size too small. o Include personal pronouns (e.g. I, me, we) o Include personal information, physical characteristics, or photographs on your resume. o Include experience from too far back. o Make your margins and font size too small. o Include personal pronouns (e.g. I, me, we) o Include personal information, physical characteristics, or photographs on your resume.

43 Final Words  Now that you have gathered the information needed to do your resume, you can get on the computer and make one!  Remember, you will have to choose a FORMAT once you start typing. Whatever you choose, maintain consistency throughout.  Check for spelling and grammar !  Now that you have gathered the information needed to do your resume, you can get on the computer and make one!  Remember, you will have to choose a FORMAT once you start typing. Whatever you choose, maintain consistency throughout.  Check for spelling and grammar !

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