Advanced Placement European History Chapter 12 Crisis of the Later Middle Ages.

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1 Advanced Placement European History Chapter 12 Crisis of the Later Middle Ages

2 The Black Death 1347 Causes: bubonic plague carried by fleas on Asian rats; poor sanitation, overcrowded homes, poor health, poor hygiene, poor housing Results: Severe impact on European economy; in some areas workers enjoyed higher wages; best of clergy died (staying behind to help the sick); Jews were blamed; serfdom ended in many areas; first enclosure of many fields.

3 The Hundred Years War (1337-1453) Causes: England lays claim to territories in France. The plague rages during the war. Joan of Arc: 16 year old girl who led a victory at Orleans during crucial stage of the war. The Result led the French kicking out the English; creation of modern nation states begin; (“New Monarchs”)

4 Early Crisis in the Catholic Church Babylonian Captivity (1309-1377): 7 successive popes resided at Avignon, France. Damaged papal prestige; Rome’s economy damaged Great Schism (1377-1417): Further conflict led to election of 2 popes – one in Rome, one in France; further hurt prestige of Church Conciliar Movement (1409-1418): ended schism; failed as a movement to put power in a church council; pope’s power is still supreme

5 Nationalist Literature use of the vernacular (national language) Dante Alighieri – wrote the Divine Comedy (1321) (also a Renaissance figure) Geoffrey Chaucer- wrote Canterbury Tales that portrays English life Francis Villon- wrote the Grand Testament (1461) – Greatest poet of Medieval France. Portrayed ordinary French life with humor and emotion.

6 Early Writings that Challenged the Church Marsigilio de Padua: Wrote Defender of the Peace - Church should be subordinate to the state; Church should be governed by a council of layman and priests superior to pope. John Wycliff (1320-1384): Church should only follow Scripture; English translation of the Bible; later followers were called Lollards John Huss (1369-1415): wrote On the Church in which had similar ideas as Wycliff; nationalist party in Czech (Bohemia) formed Hussites: followers of Huss who staged large rebellions in the 14 th century.

7 By examining the pictures think of 5 pieces of information..... that may identify life in the Late Middle Ages.

8 Life in the Later Middle Ages Marriage: average age for men = mid 20’s; women = 16-18 Work: Agricultural cycles and church ritual closely linked; ex. the parish would bless the fields to offer a good growing season. 2 main occupations, farmers and Clergy Recreation: aristocracy- jousting tournaments; common people – archery, wrestling, bull-baiting, bear-baiting; alcoholism rampant Sex: Pre-marital sex was not uncommon among upper class to determine if fertile. Women in the home had a tremendous amount of responsibility and respect from their families; while women who were not married had little or none… Usually servants or prostitutes.

9 Fur Collared Crimes During the late Middle Ages crime increased due to lack of warfare, and economic prosperity. Peasant Revolts Social and Economic Conditions caused a great increase in peasant uprisings; do to high taxation, fur- collared crimes, famine, and war Robin Hood

10 Life in the Middle Ages (Chapter 12 Summary) Black Death Decline of the Church Hundred Year’s War Causes Effects: Political, Economic, Social

11 The Life in the Later Middle Ages FamilyMarriage Women Recreation

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