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CHAPTER III IMPLEMENTATIONANDPROCEDURES.  4-5 pages  Describes in detail how the study was conducted.  For a quantitative project, explain how you.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER III IMPLEMENTATIONANDPROCEDURES.  4-5 pages  Describes in detail how the study was conducted.  For a quantitative project, explain how you."— Presentation transcript:


2  4-5 pages  Describes in detail how the study was conducted.  For a quantitative project, explain how you will analyze the data and test your hypothesis.  For a qualitative project, describe the setting and participants and the processes you’ll use to search for meaning from the data you’ve collected.

3 Methods and Procedures Quantitative  Describe the type of study –descriptive –correlational –causal comparative –or quasi-experimental  Describe the sample or population involved in the study. Qualitative  Describe the methodology employed –case study –ethnography –grounded theory –phenonmenology  Describe the role of the researcher, including biases, education, and experiences.

4 Methods and Procedures Quantitative  Instrumentation –Identify the procedures used for developing an instrument to gather the data. –Cite evidence for the reliability and validity of the research instrument.  Data Collection –Describe how the data were obtained, timelines involved, and how materials were distributed. Qualitative  Unit of Analysis –Who or what will be the subject of the design, interviewed or observed? Be specific as to number, gender, ethnic origin, age, and position.  Setting – describe in detail  Methods –Interview, focus group, participant observation, field journal, document review or artifact analysis.

5 Methods and Procedures Quantitative  Data Analysis –Describe the treatment you applied to analyze your data –Descriptive statistics, such as mean, standard deviation, correlation, frequency counts or percentages –Inferential statistics, such as t-test, significance of correlation coefficient, ANOVA or ANCOVA  Limitations – describe the limitations of the implementation plan. Qualitative  Data Analysis –Describe the process for data analysis, data retention, and interpretation. –How will you organize, categorize, or code the data to identify categories or themes?  Interpretation –Describe the process used to assure that the conclusions are credible. –Thick descriptions, triangulation, member checks, long-term observation, peer review.

6 Review of Project Activities and Goals Qualitative Design Unit of Analysis Setting Method of Data Collection Data Analysis Verification of Interpretation Qualitative Subheadings

7 Review of Project Activities and Goals Quantitative Design Sample Instrumentation Data Collection Data Analysis Limitations of the Implementation Plan Quantitative Subheadings


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