+ Kindergarten Orientation June 10th, 2013. + Welcome to Kindergarten! St. Jerome Class of 2022 Current count: 17 students Supply list Email and contact.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Kindergarten Orientation June 10th, 2013. + Welcome to Kindergarten! St. Jerome Class of 2022 Current count: 17 students Supply list Email and contact."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Kindergarten Orientation June 10th, 2013

2 + Welcome to Kindergarten! St. Jerome Class of 2022 Current count: 17 students Supply list Email and contact information exchange

3 + Important Dates Get your calendars out! School begins Tuesday, August 20 th at 8:12am. Tuesday 8/20 is a 10:30 AM dismissal. Red Balloon (after school care program) is available that day. Wednesday 8/21-Friday 8/31 are 12:00PM dismissals from Kindergarten. Beginning Tuesday, September 4 th, we will be on a full day schedule. School will begin at 8:12AM and students are dismissed at 3:00PM. The only exception is on ALL Wednesdays, dismissal is at 2:00pm.

4 + Daily Schedule Curriculum will begin Tuesday, September 3 rd. During the first two weeks of school, we will work on necessary skills for academic success, such as handwriting, teamwork, cutting, coloring, classroom expectations, and so on. At Back to School Night, you will receive a copy of your child’s schedule.

5 + The First Day! Please park in Church parking lot across the street. (Not in green zone). What to bring: Snack Backpack Lunch (if your child is going to Red Balloon) A smile!

6 + Where? Drop-off: Mornings: next to the Bathrooms, where Mrs. Stern is supervising. Pick-up: You may wait on the benches outside the classroom. Please note that the P.E. equipment is for P.E. time only. Students are not allowed to use it after school. Thanks for your cooperation.

7 + Red Balloon Morning care 6:30AM-7:45AM. Parents drop child off downstairs. Enter through the lower play yard gate. After school care 3:00PM-6:30PM. Mrs. Stern walks students from classroom to Red Balloon.

8 + Odds and Ends If you are coming to volunteer or drop something off during school hours, please ring the door bell and the office staff will let you in. Volunteers sign in using the clipboard located in the hallway and must wear a Visitor badge while on campus. Speaking of Volunteers, parents are expected to complete a certain number of participation hours. Opportunities include: field trip chaperones, Learning and Language Art Center volunteers, and room parents. School/Family newsletter goes out via email on Wednesdays. Kindergarten Newsletter goes out on Fridays.

9 + More Information… Back to School night will take place August 22 at 7pm in the Church. After the initial blessing and gathering, teachers and parents will dismiss to classrooms. I will discuss curriculum at Back to School Night. Contact info: egann@csdo.org

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