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Welcome to Year 2 Miss Handley Miss Warne. Working together The effect of parental engagement over a pupil’s school career is equivalent to ADDING AN.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 2 Miss Handley Miss Warne. Working together The effect of parental engagement over a pupil’s school career is equivalent to ADDING AN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 2 Miss Handley Miss Warne

2 Working together The effect of parental engagement over a pupil’s school career is equivalent to ADDING AN EXTRA TWO TO THREE YEARS to that pupil’s education. Parental engagement is one of the KEY FACTORS in securing higher pupil achievement and school improvement. Simply being INVOLVED with the school has little effect on individual attainment unless there are DIRECT CONNECTIONS to LEARNING.

3 Reading Phonics (the reading and recognition of sounds) is mainly taught through Read, Write Inc which will start in the next couple of weeks Year 2 Phonics Screening Re-Check in June 2016 Guided Reading (Oxford Big Cats) Home reading and reading diary(Oxford Reading Tree, Read, Write Inc and class library book) Extreme Reading Challenge

4 Spelling Taught through Read, Write Inc Spelling will be sent home to learn for a weekly test We recommend the Look, Cover, Write, Check method Please see Parent Guidance sheet and booklet for further information

5 Maths Mathletics Make it fun!! See age related expectations in booklets.

6 Assessment It’s all change!! Levels have gone and are replaced with ‘emerging, expected and exceeding’ Formal assessment for Year 2 will continue to be through SATs. Children will be tested on Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, SPAG and Maths. Parents meeting will be held after Christmas.

7 Class Champions!

8 Fabulous Fridays Children will be chosen, by the lunchtime staff, for their amazing lunchtime behaviour. Invitation will be sent home Non uniform day for the chosen children Lunch with their teacher

9 Parent Loan Box Every Friday the loan box will be available in the junior hall. Wide range of learning resources, books, magnetic letters, phonic games, maths games, available for families to borrow.

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