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Welcome to our SATs Awareness Meeting What happens in Year 2? Children in Year 2 are assessed in two ways. Teacher Assessment takes places throughout.

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2 Welcome to our SATs Awareness Meeting

3 What happens in Year 2? Children in Year 2 are assessed in two ways. Teacher Assessment takes places throughout the year in English, Maths and Science. Children undertake SATs in English and Maths in May.

4 Teacher Assessment Most important way in which children are assessed. Ongoing throughout the year. Gives an accurate picture of the progress made by the children. Teacher assessment takes place in English – reading, writing and speaking and listening; Maths and Science.

5 Teacher Assessment Children are assessed on a daily basis through discussion, observation of children at work, marking, individual, paired and group work. Every half term children undertake a series of independent writing tasks, individual, guided reading or comprehension activities. Carry out practical maths activities linked to a key objective. Complete a science investigation.

6 SATs Take place over a period of two weeks. Children are assessed in: Reading Writing Spelling Maths

7 Reading Children either complete a reading test or task. Test is a comprehension booklet – children read independently and answer questions. Task – children choose a book and we read parts together, discuss it, then children continue to read independently. We also discuss the book after they have read. Both test and task check their understanding of what they have read.

8 Writing All children complete two writing tasks: Longer task – approximately 45 minutes writing time Shorter task – approximately 20 minutes writing time Tasks will cover different writing genres – story, poem, information text, instructions etc.

9 Spelling Children complete a 2 part spelling booklet: Part 1 – looking at a picture and spelling 10 words linked to the picture. Part 2 – spelling from dictation.

10 Maths Children complete either a level 2 or level 3 maths booklet. Part 1 – mental maths Part 2 – working through a range of questions independently. There is a Level 1 maths task for those not achieving level 2.

11 What levels are recorded? Children will be given a level for both teacher assessment and SATs. These will be recorded on the children’s school report. Children will be graded from level 1 up through 2C, 2B, 2A to 3. The government expectations are that children should achieve level 2B by the end of Year 2.

12 Remember! All children progress and develop differently. Our main aim is: That children enjoy coming to school and learning. They are unaware that they are undertaking SATs. They don’t become anxious.

13 Don’t Panic! It’s not as bad as you think.

14 Have a look at some of the papers and discuss. Any questions?

15 Phonics Screening Any children who did not achieve the pass mark in Year 1 will re-take in June next year. The result will be passed onto the Junior School.

16 Thank you for coming!

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