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Race and Ethnic Relations in the U.S.. Major Ethnic Groups in U.S. Largest to Smallest European American Latinos African Americans Native Americans First.

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Presentation on theme: "Race and Ethnic Relations in the U.S.. Major Ethnic Groups in U.S. Largest to Smallest European American Latinos African Americans Native Americans First."— Presentation transcript:

1 Race and Ethnic Relations in the U.S.

2 Major Ethnic Groups in U.S. Largest to Smallest European American Latinos African Americans Native Americans First group to immigrate to the U.S. and firmly establish political power was the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants – WASPS.

3 WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants): includes Scots and Welsh Extremely ethnocentric, viewed others such as Irish, Germans, Poles, Jews and Italians, as inferior. Cultural and political dominances forced other groups to assimilate into their “ways”. Assimilation: The process of being absorbed into the mainstream culture. Trying to be as “American” as possible in order to “fit in”. Over the last one hundred years, other groups from Asia, Central America, and South America have faced similar pressures to assimilate.

4 Latino Americans Latino refers to ethnic groups not race. (Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Latin & Mexicans) Widely diverse group Largest minority group in U.S. Currently about 16% of population, 50.5 million. Predicted to become the dominant group by 2050 at the current growth

5 Figure 12.7 Country of Origin of U.S. Latinos Source: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract 2002: Table 40. 41.3 million in United states according to 2000 U.S. Census (not accurate because illegal immigrants are not counted)

6 Figure 12.8 Where U.S. Latinos Live Source: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract 2002: Table 23.

7 Problems Compared with European Americans and Asian Americans, Latinos are the worse off on indicators of well being. Low paying jobs Language barriers High school completion low 11% college graduation Gains Politically, Latinos are becoming a force in shaping politics. Hold 6% of the seats in congress

8 African Americans The Second largest ethnic minority is African Americans, currently 12% of the population. Significant social and economic gains over last 30 years, but still earn only 60% of white families The Civil Rights Movement dramatically improved conditions for African Americans. Unemployment rate is still high 3.5% Discrimination still exists in the workplace 2004 – 27,696 charges of discrimination

9 Successes and Gains In recent years, African Americans have made considerable political, educations, and economic gains. 8 % representation in Congress. College degrees have slightly increased 12% 1993 17% 2003 19% 2010

10 Asian Americans Currently about 4.8% of U.S. population. Widely diverse group including people of Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Asian Indian, Vietnamese descent Among all minority groups in the U.S., Asian Americans are the most successful Largest growth in 2010 census

11 Successes and Gains of Asians Most successful in job market High rate of college graduation 50% college degrees 2003 Higher annual income Successes attributed to: Close family ties Assimilation into mainstream culture

12 Native Americans: includes diverse tribal groups Less than 1% of U.S. population Centuries of genocide and suppression Genocide: the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. Most disadvantaged minority group in social and economic terms 1.9 million full blooded in U.S.(2000 census) 7 million claim ancestry to Native Americans 341 tribes

13 Current Reservations 278 U.S. reservations

14 Current Social Problems for Native Americans Housing, education, and health care are below standards High poverty rate (make 60% of what a white male makes) Alcoholism (6x higher than national level) Drug abuse (4 x higher than national level) high suicide rate (double the national average) Only 1% go to college Gains Recently Native American reservations has introduced casino-type gaming establishments. Research suggests that these establishments are having a positive impact. The median household has risen and unemployment has decreased.

15 Race and Ethnicity of Representatives, Senators, and the U.S. Population House and Senate, 112th Congress, andthe U.S. Population, 2010

16 Multiculturalism Current issues dominating race-ethnic relations in the U.S. include immigration, affirmative action, and how to develop a multicultural society. The United States is the most racially diverse society in the world. To live in harmony we must find a way to respect one another’s differences and work towards mutually beneficial goals This can only happen if minority groups are allowed to fully participate in the nation’s social and political institutions

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