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Welcoming Veterans: Finding the Right UC Fit UC Counselor Conference September 2015.

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1 Welcoming Veterans: Finding the Right UC Fit UC Counselor Conference September 2015

2 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 UC is Welcoming to Veterans U.S. Military veterans and active-duty personnel add to the richness of experiences to all of UC (faculty, students and staff). Most of UC's veterans who enroll as undergraduates started at a California Community College. Commissioning programs – student should contact UC directly. UC undergraduate veterans receive grants and scholarships, in addition to VA education benefits for which many student veterans are eligible.

3 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 Number of Veterans Admitted to UC For Fall 2015 936 U.S. military veterans, active-duty, reservists, & National Guard members applied to UC. Of these, 79% were CCC applicants and 64% of them were admitted.

4 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 Step 1: Is UC the Right Fit? Major research institutions will allows students to maximum benefits UC is designed as a full-time, day-time, in-person educational experience. In some cases student may petition to receive approval for part-time enrollment under certain circumstances after they enroll at a UC campus. However, UC charges tuition by the term not by the units

5 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 Step 2: At What Level Should the Student Apply? As a FRESHMAN: Student who graduated from high school, has not enrolled in a regular (non-summer) session at a college or university or if only completed college courses during high school (through summer after graduation). Exception: Completion of non-transferable U.S. military services courses/training As a TRANSFER: Student who is/was enrolled in a regular session (fall, winter or spring) at a college or university after high school; including college courses completed while in the military. Note: If course were completed only summer term immediately following high school graduation – can still apply as a freshman.

6 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 Step 3: Major/Pathway Selection UC offers over 700 academic programs across the nine undergraduate campuses. Majors List: _majors_list.pdf _majors_list.pdf Transfer Pathways: paths/index.html paths/index.html

7 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 Step 4: UC – Transfer Admission Planner Students can stay on track with UC’s Transfer Admission Planner (UC TAP) Once they start planning their classes, they can start entering them into UC TAP – a tool that tracks progress toward meeting UC admission requirements UC TAP Military members can identify themselves on the TAP profile The TAP application can be uploaded in the UC admissions application It can also serve as the Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) application

8 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 Step 5: UC – Transfer Admission Guarantee UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG), a program that offers guaranteed admission for well-prepared transfer students. Currently, six UC campuses: Davis, Irvine, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz, participate in the guaranteed admission program for Fall term enrollment UC Merced also offers TAG for Spring Semester Specific requirements must all be met; details available on the TAG Matrix: The TAP application can be used to create the TAG application.

9 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 Step 6: How Military Service is Considered in the Admission Review Process How applications are reviewed Comprehensive Review Factor: Academic accomplishments in light of your life experiences and special circumstances, including veteran status. Personal Statement: instructions for active-duty personnel or veterans of the U.S. Military UC is interested in knowing about an applicant’s military service. Students may choose to use the personal statement to communicate how their military service has been instrumental in developing their educational plans.

10 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 Step 7:Before Applying... Advice for Prospective Applicants Communicate with a CCC advisor Research specific UC campus websites Identify a personal UC campus contacts as applicable Visit the campuses for a tour or view a virtual tour on online Explore veteran specific programs on each campus Check for availability of transition courses/workshops specifically for military

11 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 Step 8: Transfer Credit for Military Coursework Report on Admission Application: Students who have completed courses offered by a branch of the U.S. military may indicate their intention to submit a military transcript by checking the box in the "About You" section of the UC admission application. Students should plan to earn at least the minimum 60 sem/90 qtr UC-transferable units without including military credit Submission of Official Record: Students who accept an offer of admission can submit their official military transcripts (e.g., JST, SMART, AARTS, etc.) to the UC campus after enrollment. UC may award elective transfer credit for some of military courses if the content is equivalent to a course taught at UC.

12 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 Examples of types of courses for which UC may grant transfer credit: Courses must be completed at a UC- recognized college/university Collegiate institutions such as: Defense Language Institute, Community College of the Air Force, University of Maryland, etc. Courses offered by U.S. military branches Physical Education Some courses related to occupational training if equivalent to courses offered at UC (e.g. leadership) Examples of courses that are not transferable to UC: How to/practical application vocational courses Recruit/Basic Training, Firefighting, Automotive Repair, Crane Maintenance, Cryptologic Technician, Military Policies Personal Development: managing finances, master chief training, increasing your emotional intelligence, communication etiquette, driving for life Exam Credit: CLEP and DANTES Courses Completed in the Military UC may award elective transfer credit for some of military courses if the content is equivalent to a course taught at UC.

13 UC Student Veterans Services

14 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 Veterans Enrolled at UC Since 2008, UC’s enrollment has seen a steady 50% increase. UC enrolls more than 2,000 military veterans (approximately 1,600 undergraduates and 400 graduate students) and roughly 100 military personnel. Approximately 71% of UC undergraduate student veterans are transfer students form California Community Colleges.

15 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 Growth of Student Veterans at UC

16 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 UC is Welcoming to Veterans President’s Advisory Council on Student Veterans Advises the President on: Campus support Outreach efforts UC Summit on Student Veterans

17 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 Veterans Services on Campus Berkeley Davis Irvine Los Angeles Merced Riverside San Diego San Francisco Santa Barbara Santa Cruz Veterans Services Coordinator (Primary Contact) XXXXXXXXXX Veterans Education Benefits Certifying Official XXXXXXXXXX Veteran Student Center X XX XX XX Veteran resource website XXXXXXXXXX No-drop policy until benefits are received XXXXXXXXXX Student Veteran Organization(s) XXXXXXXXXX Peer advising and/or mentor program XXX X XX XX Veteran-specific campus events or programs XXXXXXXXXX Deferred Payment Plan XXXXXXXXX Specific programs/services for veterans’ dependents or military families XXXXXXX X

18 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 Veterans Services on Campus Admission and transition support including workshops, priority enrollment, and advising to ensure timely access to Post 9/11 GI Bill and other VA benefit programs Campus support teams, peer support, and mentorship opportunities Veterans transition course Veteran-specific orientation Pre and post-deployment support for students who get reactivated or deploy during an academic term Staff and faculty training opportunities to raise campus awareness regarding student veteran issues

19 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 UC Campuses “Our coordinator set aside a block of time to answer all our questions. He made us aware of a transition course. [This course] was really nice to have – it was all student veterans and we were able to ask questions and work with one another and help each other.”

20 STUDENT SPEAKER “ When I showed up to campus, I saw a flyer for the meet and greet at the vet center. I stopped by and sure enough the people I met are lifelong friends of mine. It was huge relief to find buddies who were in exactly the same boat. It changed things for me.”

21 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 Resources Campus Veterans Websites Berkeley: Davis: Irvine: Los Angeles: Merced: Riverside: San Diego: San Francisco: Santa Barbara: Santa Cruz:

22 COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2015 To Our Veterans, Thank You for Your Service!

23 Thank you!

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