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Are you ready to learn? - Name tags, pen, Oral English notebook on desk 桌上摆放名牌卡、笔、本子 - No electronics/no food 不准使用电子产品 / 不准吃东西 - No outside work 上课期间不能做关于别的学科的事.

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Presentation on theme: "Are you ready to learn? - Name tags, pen, Oral English notebook on desk 桌上摆放名牌卡、笔、本子 - No electronics/no food 不准使用电子产品 / 不准吃东西 - No outside work 上课期间不能做关于别的学科的事."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you ready to learn? - Name tags, pen, Oral English notebook on desk 桌上摆放名牌卡、笔、本子 - No electronics/no food 不准使用电子产品 / 不准吃东西 - No outside work 上课期间不能做关于别的学科的事


3 October 31st

4 History of Halloween 2000 years ago – Celts, New Year’s Eve, spirits rose from dead, food on doorsteps 1000 years ago – Christians, fear of evil spirits, masks to scare spirits, turnip lanterns 200 years ago – Halloween comes from Europe to America and traditions change Today – fun holiday (mostly for kids), pumpkin carving, costumes, trick-or- treating, scary movies, haunted houses

5 If two witches would watch two watches, which watch would which witch watch?


7 People decorate their houses.

8 People carve pumpkins to make…



11 People dress up in costumes.

12 ghost

13 vampire

14 mummy

15 witch

16 werewolf

17 zombie

18 pirate

19 clown

20 Children go trick-or-treating.

21 candy The TREATS are…

22 But there are also TRICKS!




26 True or False? 1.A thousand years ago Europeans wore costumes to get candy. FALSE 2. 50% of children prefer to receive chewing gum for Halloween. FALSE 3. The world’s fastest time to carve a pumpkin (eyes, nose, ears, and a mouth) is 24.03 seconds. TRUE 4. After Christmas, Americans spend more money on Halloween than any other holiday (ex. New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, Independence Day). TRUE


28 Ask your partner and be ready to tell us! -Have you ever dressed up in a costume? What costume was it? If not, what costume would you like to dress up in? Why? -Do you believe in ghosts? Are you afraid of them? -What is your favorite candy? Why do you like it? -What is the scariest movie you have ever seen? What was it about? -Would you want to go into a haunted house? Why or why not? -If you made a jack-o-lantern, what would you carve on it?

29 Let’s Review!

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