PUMP UP How to A Personal Persuasive Essay. I will convince my reader to… persuade Remember Your Goal.

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1 PUMP UP How to A Personal Persuasive Essay


3 I will convince my reader to… persuade Remember Your Goal

4 # One Answer the Question

5  You can follow the next nine steps, but if you miss the question, you will not be admitted to any institution, nor receive any money.

6 # Two Be Original

7 Be original  If writing about a gymnastics competition you trained for, do not start your essay: "I worked long hours for many weeks to train for ________ competition."  Consider an opening like, "Every morning I awoke at 5:00 to sweat, tears, and blood as I trained on the uneven bars hoping to bring the state gymnastics trophy to my hometown."

8 # Three Be Yourself

9  Admissions officers want to learn about you and your writing ability.  Write about something meaningful and describe your feelings, not necessarily your actions.  For example, many people travel to foreign countries or win competitions, but your feelings during these events are unique to you. Be Yourself Be Yourself

10 # Four Don’t “Thesaurusize”

11  For some reason, students continue to think big words make good essays.  Big words are fine, but only if they are used in the appropriate contexts with complex styles.  Think Hemingway. Don’t thesaurusize Don’t thesaurusize

12 # Five Use imagery and clear vivid words

13 Use Imagery and clear vivid words  The personal persuasive essay lends itself to imagery since the entire essay requires your experiences as supporting details.  Appeal to the five senses of the admissions/scholarship office.

14 # Six Don’t Underestimate the Introduction

15 Don’t underestimate the introduction  Admissions/scholarship officers spend 1-2 minutes reading your essay.  Don't summarize in your introduction.  Create mystery/intrigue in your introduction.

16 # Seven The Body has to Relate

17 The Body Has to Relate  Your introduction can be original, but cannot be silly.  The paragraphs that follow must be able to relate to your introduction.

18 # Eight Use Transitions

19  Use them within paragraphs and between paragraphs to preserve the logical flow of your essay.  These are not limited to phrases such as "as a result, in addition, while..., since..., etc."  Transitions can also include the repetition of key words or phrases.

20 # Nine Conclusions are Critical

21  Expand upon the broader implications of your discussion.  Linking conclusion to intro establishes a sense of balance by reiterating introductory phrases.  Redefine a term used previously in your body paragraphs.

22 # Ten Edit and be Edited

23 Edit & Be Edited  Delete anything in the essay that does not relate to your main argument.  Are your introduction/conclusion more than summaries?  Did you find all grammatical errors?  Take points that might only be implicit and make them explicit.

24 Edit & Be Edited Cont…  Ask editors to read with some questions in mind.  Check out the Editing with Purpose Checklist.

25 Now that you are totally pumped, get writing!

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