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THE ROMANS. MASTERS OF THE MEDITERREANEAN GEOGRAPHY Italy = Center of Mediterranean world Rome is centrally located on the Italian Peninsula Trade routes.

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3 GEOGRAPHY Italy = Center of Mediterranean world Rome is centrally located on the Italian Peninsula Trade routes pass through Rome Location made it easy to launch military operations east or west

4 Rome

5 600 BC Rome is ruled by a series of kings 509 BC Aristocrats overthrow a harsh king & set up a new gov’t

6 REPUBLIC Power rests with citizens (Roman men) who have the right to elect leaders that will make gov’t decisions (an indirect democracy)

7 PATRICIANS 2 groups struggle for power Patricians- wealthy aristocratic land owners, inherit power and social status

8 PLEBEIANS Common farmers, artisans and merchants Could vote, but not hold office Strict social order holds them down No upward mobility Serve in army (causes resentment) In time, Plebeians put pressure on Patricians to gain power

9 Plebeians demand rights

10 THE TWELVE TABLES Plebeians force creation of a written law code 451 BC- 10 officials write down Roman laws The laws are carved on 12 tables (tablets) and publicly displayed  Establishes the idea that all free citizens have rights and protection under the law and laws would be fairly administered

11 Twelve Tables

12 REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT Two separate branches The Executive Branch 2 Consuls command army and direct govt 1 year term Choose Senators In emergency choose a dictator to make quick decisions (6 months) Praeters decide on civil law as applied to Roman citizens

13 LEGISLATIVE BRANCH The Senate –300 Patricians –Financial policy –Advise Consuls –Lifetime term –Approve or disapprove laws passed by Assembly –Controlled foreign relations

14 ASSEMBLY Plebeians Vote on laws suggested by govt officials Could declare war or make peace treaties Elected the two Consuls Elected govt officials

15 ROMAN LAW “Law of Nations” creates a system of laws that could be applied throughout the Empire based on reason and justice Applies to all people regardless of nationality  Major step towards the development of Western law

16 ROMAN JUSTICE Innocent until proven guilty May defend yourself before a judge Judges weigh evidence brought before them

17 THE ROMAN EMPIRE 1 st century AD Augustus leads Rome into a period of peace AD 14 - AD 180 “Pax Romana” (Roman peace) a time of peace, prosperity & flourishing trade throughout the Roman Empire

18 This 200 year period of peace and stability allowed the Roman Empire to achieve new heights in technology, agriculture, science, and the arts. The Roman Empire was a very civilized place during this time, and life was generally comfortable, and good. Pax Romana

19 JUSTINIAN’S CODE 528 AD- Emperor Justinian orders the compilation of all Roman laws –The Code- 5,000 Roman laws –The Digest- summary of legal opinions –The Institutes- textbook for law students –The Novellae- all laws passed after 534 AD  Becomes the leading guide on legal matters in Western Europe

20 Justinian and his Code

21 Trevi Fountain

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