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Chapter 12—Personality Theory Carl Jung Analytic Psychology.

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1 Chapter 12—Personality Theory Carl Jung Analytic Psychology

2 Carl Jung—Introduction Originally trained with Freud Originally trained with Freud Broke from Freudian analysis Broke from Freudian analysis Event  Freud and Jung analyzing each others’ dreams Event  Freud and Jung analyzing each others’ dreams –Freud showed resistance to Jung’s analysis –Freud stopped, saying he would lose authority Felt Freud overemphasized sexual aspects Felt Freud overemphasized sexual aspects Experience with developing sciences of Anthropology and Sociology Experience with developing sciences of Anthropology and Sociology Spent time living in different cultures Spent time living in different cultures

3 Introduction— Basic Principles (part of his theory) Principle of opposites: Our personality consists of opposing/competing forces that we strive to balance. Principle of opposites: Our personality consists of opposing/competing forces that we strive to balance. –Examples Conscious versus unconscious Conscious versus unconscious Introversion versus extraversion Introversion versus extraversion –Opposition creates energy (concept of energy is similar to Freud’s libido) Propels movement forward Propels movement forward

4 Introduction— Basic Principles Principle of equivalence: Energy created by opposites is given to both sides equally. Principle of equivalence: Energy created by opposites is given to both sides equally. –Each pair in opposite has = amts of energy –Increase in one area pulls energy from other area –Too much on one side => May spur growth May spur growth When problem, complex is said to develop When problem, complex is said to develop

5 Introduction— Basic Principles Principle of entropy: Tendency for opposites to come together—be less extreme opposites Principle of entropy: Tendency for opposites to come together—be less extreme opposites –When younger, degree of opposites tends to be extreme –As one grows, able to tolerate differences/opposites (doesn’t have to be one or the other—can be both) –We strive toward balancing these opposites Natural tendency for growth Natural tendency for growth Balance  not free of conflict Balance  not free of conflict Individuation = term used for goal of unity of our personality (unification of opposing forces into whole) Individuation = term used for goal of unity of our personality (unification of opposing forces into whole)

6 Core Concepts— Ego Ego = conscious mind Ego = conscious mind –Center of consciousness –Characterized by one dominant attitude (introversion/extraversion) –Characterized by two functions: Thinking or feeling Thinking or feeling Sensing or intuiting Sensing or intuiting

7 Core Concepts— Personal Unconscious Personal unconscious Personal unconscious –Similar to Freud’s conception of preconscious and unconscious –Contains memories that can be recalled as well as those that have been repressed –Complex: cluster of emotionally-charged memories that influence behavior Arise from need to adapt and inability to meet that need/challenge Arise from need to adapt and inability to meet that need/challenge Develop over time Develop over time Examples  mother complex, guilt complex, hero complex Examples  mother complex, guilt complex, hero complex Identified through word association tests Identified through word association tests

8 Core Concepts— Collective Unconscious Collective unconscious Collective unconscious –Definition—Psychological residue of man’s ancestral past Reservoir of mankind’s experiences as species Reservoir of mankind’s experiences as species Accumulated memories of mankind’s experiences Accumulated memories of mankind’s experiences Seen in themes and symbols in cultures (why we respond to them): Seen in themes and symbols in cultures (why we respond to them): –Parallels in myths, fairy tales, literature, art, etc. –Dreams –Déjà vu experiences –Near death experiences

9 Core Concepts— Collective Unconscious Collective unconscious (cont’d) Collective unconscious (cont’d) –Archetypes: inherited predisposition to experience things in certain ways More like an emotion More like an emotion Jung described them as “thought-forms”  implied as much feeling as thought Jung described them as “thought-forms”  implied as much feeling as thought Unlearned tendencies to experience things Unlearned tendencies to experience things Organizing principle (similar to Freud’s conception of instincts) for our behavior Organizing principle (similar to Freud’s conception of instincts) for our behavior Collected deposits of mankind’s repeated exp’s with events such as birth, death, mother, father, evil, etc. Collected deposits of mankind’s repeated exp’s with events such as birth, death, mother, father, evil, etc.

10 Core Concepts— Archetypes of Coll. Uncon. Main archetypes of collective unconscious Main archetypes of collective unconscious –Persona: public personality (mask) worn to win society’s approval Our instinctual knowledge that we have to act certain way in society Our instinctual knowledge that we have to act certain way in society Way we present ourselves Way we present ourselves The good impression we hope to make The good impression we hope to make Starts as archetype, but becomes farther removed from collective unconscious Starts as archetype, but becomes farther removed from collective unconscious Comprised of attitudes taken from social class, occupation, ethnic heritage, religion, etc. Comprised of attitudes taken from social class, occupation, ethnic heritage, religion, etc. When people associate entire personality with persona  potential problems When people associate entire personality with persona  potential problems

11 Core Concepts— Archetypes of Coll. Uncon. Shadow Shadow –Lower, animal side of our behavior –Represents socially unacceptable beh –Derives from pre-human, animal past—when we were not self-conscious –Dark side  evil we are capable of –Shadow is amoral –Also has positive side  spontaneity, creativity, healthy mistrust, humor –Where do we see shadow? Dreams, fantasies, slips of tongue, jokes, etc. –Symbols  snakes, monsters, demons, etc.

12 Core Concepts— Archetypes of Coll. Uncon. Anima/Animus Anima/Animus –Anima = female archetype in males Animus = male archetype in females –Spirit of opposite sex in us –Trace of mankind’s experience of living with opposite sex –Societal stereotypes and expectations cause us to develop only half of our potential

13 Core Concepts— Archetypes of Coll. Uncon. Self Self –Center of psyche –Represents our striving for unity of opposing forces –Most central and influential archetype –Represents transcendence of opposites—all aspects of personality expressed –You are neither and both persona and shadow, neither and both conscious and unconscious  what comes together is self

14 Core Concepts— Archetypes of Coll. Uncon. Self (cont’d) Self (cont’d) –Individuation = process by which ind integrates opposing tendencies Indivisible Indivisible Contradictions do not overwhelm Contradictions do not overwhelm –Personified by Jesus Christ and Buddha –Perfection only completed at death –Symbolized in mandala

15 New Topic— Theory of Psychological Type Introduction Introduction –Attempt to explain individual differences –Began with concepts of introversion and extraversion –Added functions (thinking-feeling, sensing- intuiting) later –Represents preferences rather than exclusive talents –Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

16 Psychological Type (cont’d) Attitudes (orientations): our tendency to act in certain; how we orient to the world Attitudes (orientations): our tendency to act in certain; how we orient to the world –Introversion: Oriented toward inner world (Object  ego) Oriented toward inner world (Object  ego) Prefer inner world of thoughts, feelings, dreams, etc. Prefer inner world of thoughts, feelings, dreams, etc. Focus on concepts, ideas, internal expressions Focus on concepts, ideas, internal expressions More oriented to collective unconscious and archetypes More oriented to collective unconscious and archetypes

17 Psychological Type (cont’d) Attitudes (cont’d) Attitudes (cont’d) –Extraversion Oriented to outer world (Ego  object) Oriented to outer world (Ego  object) Prefer world of things and people Prefer world of things and people Focus on others and thinks aloud Focus on others and thinks aloud More oriented toward persona and outer reality More oriented toward persona and outer reality

18 Psychological Type (cont’d) Functions: mental activity Functions: mental activity –Perceiving: how we gather or take in information Sensing: Sensing: –Pay attention to observable facts or events through five senses (seeing, hearing, touching, etc.) –Good at looking and listening Intuiting: Intuiting: –Focus on meanings, relationships, possibilities –Unconscious sensing—knowing w/o sensing –Unconscious processing

19 Psychological Type (cont’d) Functions (cont’d) Functions (cont’d) –Judging: how we come to conclusions about what we perceive Thinking: Thinking: –Decide impersonally on basis of logical conclusions –Tell what it is –Evaluates information rationally Feeling: Feeling: –Decisions based on personal and social values –Tell what it is worth –Evaluates by looking at overall picture

20 Psychological Type (cont’d) Types (see MBTI and handout) Types (see MBTI and handout) –Each type represents preferences for one over the other –Dominant function => function used most enthusiastically –Development and type Youth and adolescence Youth and adolescence –Develop dominant function > –Most natural – feels most comfortable Midlife Midlife –People tend to be motivated toward completion of personality –Begin to add neglected functions

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