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Visualising advocacy

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Presentation on theme: "Visualising advocacy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Visualising advocacy #enc2011 @BethGranter & @SteveWinton

2 HELLO! :) We’re: @bethgranter and @steveWINton from NixonMcInnes, a social business consultancy.

3 Our clients

4 Applied technology

5 We apply emerging social technologies to your business objectives, so you can realise the opportunities offered by the social web. –Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn... –Social data mining, analysis and visualisation - gaining insight into the world around us. –Machine learning techniques - harnessing the collective intelligence of crowds. –Prototyping with the Internet of Things - finding new ways to interact and work with each other.

6 Basically, We ♥ data :)

7 Why visualise advocacy? Make people feel part of a movement –“I’m part of something big” To motivate people to complete an action or pass it on

8 Why visualise advocacy?


10 Why map advocacy? Highlight areas where advocacy is high/low, which MPs have been targeted –“I can make a difference / I’m needed” Reflect how local communities feel about issues –“This is relevant to me” To further motivate people to complete an action or pass it on

11 Mapping advocacy: recipe 1 Take 1 e-activist data feed (EaEmailAOTarget)

12 Mapping advocacy: Recipe 1 Take 1 advocacy online data feed (EaEmailAOTarget)

13 Mapping advocacy: recipe 1 Make a CSV!

14 Mapping advocacy: Recipe 1 Make a CSV!

15 Mapping advocacy: recipe 1 Geocode! (the process of getting co-ordinates for an address)

16 Mapping advocacy: Recipe 1 Geocode! (the process of getting co-ordinates for an address)

17 Mapping advocacy: recipe 1 Visualise! (putting the co-ordinates on a map)

18 Mapping advocacy: Recipe 1 Visualise! (putting the co-ordinates on a map)

19 Mapping advocacy: Recipe 1 Visualise! (putting the co-ordinates on a map)

20 But, What about privacy?! :(

21 Mapping advocacy: recipe 2 IDEA! Group advocates by constituency!

22 Mapping advocacy: Recipe 2 Group advocates by constituency! Mapping each postcode to a constituency is straightforward, thanks to...

23 And we can work in Google Refine... (not for the faint-hearted!)


25 Using Google Refine, we can grab constituency data from our postcodes

26 Mapping advocacy: Recipe 2 Group advocates by constituency! Grabbing geography for each constituency is also straightforward, thanks to...

27 Mapping advocacy: Recipe 2 Group advocates by constituency! Or, here’s one we made earlier...

28 Mapping advocacy: Recipe 2 Group advocates by constituency! Join the 2 sets of data in a spreadsheet...

29 Mapping advocacy: Recipe 2 Group advocates by constituency! Visualise! Again, using Google Fusion Tables...

30 But, It’s a bit messy?! :(

31 Mapping advocacy: recipe 3 IDEA! Group by different geographic areas, based on zoom level!

32 Mapping advocacy: Recipe 2 Group advocates by constituency! So... We need county/region + lat/lon for each constituency? OK...

33 Mapping advocacy: Recipe 2 Group advocates by constituency! Here’s one we made earlier...

34 Cool! But... How can we show the impact?! :(

35 Mapping advocacy: recipe 4 IDEA! Showing MP support for a campaign – intentions to vote or how they voted

36 Mapping impact Showing MP support for a campaign – intentions to vote or how they voted – Public Whip – Excel spreadsheet – Convert votes to numbers e.g. absent = -1, no = 0, aye = 1 – TheyWorkForYou API constitency geo data CSV – Google Fusion Tables Vizualize > Map > Configure styles

37 Mapping advocacy: Recipe 2 Group advocates by constituency! Remember this...?


39 Mapping impact Showing MP support for a campaign – intentions to vote or how they voted – Public Whip – Excel spreadsheet – Convert votes to numbers e.g. absent = -1, no = 0, aye = 1 – TheyWorkForYou API constitency geo data CSV – Google Fusion Tables Vizualize > Map > Configure styles



42 Mapping impact Showing MP support for a campaign – intentions to vote or how they voted – Public Whip voting data – Convert votes to numerical code e.g. absent = -1, no = 0, aye = 1 – TheyWorkForYou API constituency geo data CSV – Google Fusion Tables Vizualize > Map > Configure styles by vote code

43 V. cool! But... Can we make advocacy hotspots easier to… spot? :)

44 Mapping advocacy: Recipe 2 Group advocates by constituency! Of course! Enter the choropleth*... *

45 Mapping advocacy: Recipe 2 Group advocates by constituency! Immediately, we can see the ‘hotspots’... Here! Not here!

46 Mapping advocacy: Recipe 2 Group advocates by constituency! LIVE: For added interactivity, turn to TileMill...

47 Wow! But... Can we make it update dynamically?!! :) :)

48 Yes, we can! We’ve built a tool that updates the map automatically...


50 Thanks! Questions? @bethgranter @steveWINton

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