EPal connection Project “The Way We Are” 1 Cyprus & Brazil A’4 class & A’7 class George Vasiliki Sotia Georgia Costantina Katerina Prepared by:

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1 ePal connection Project “The Way We Are” 1 Cyprus & Brazil A’4 class & A’7 class George Vasiliki Sotia Georgia Costantina Katerina Prepared by:

2 2 CYPRIOTS BRAZILIANS George Danilo Vasiliki Aline PanayiotisGabriella Maria A.Francisco Costantina Thais Carneiro Sotia Isabelle Gia Thais F. Andreas Andre Katerina Kaka ePals match

3 3 Cyprus-LarnacaBrazil-Belo Horizonte

4 4 Larnaca Belo Horizonte

5 5 Our Similarities celebrations (Easter, Christmas, New Year's day, Carnival, birthdays) sports (football, volley, basketball, handball) school timetable hours subjects (Maths, Biology, Chemistry, History, Religious studies, P.E, English, Physics, Geography,)

6 6 Our differences Cyprus Size: 9,250 SQ KM First language is Greek At school we also study Ancient Greek Music ( pop, Greek music, rap, hip hop, rock) Brazil Size: 8,456,510 SQ KM First language is Portuguese At school they also study Philosophy Music (brazilian samba, forrό, pagode, folia de reis, axé, funk)

7 Food: we eat a lot of meat (souvla and souvlaki, chicken), potatoes, beans, salad Climate (four seasons - cold winter with occasional snow at Troodos mountain and extended hot summer) Food - feijoada made with black beans and pork meat, rice and beans are very common Climate (most of the time it is hot so they wear summer clothes all year round) more differences

8 Our cultural celebrations are mainly the same in the whole country Culture varies by state (Different celebrations in the north where the Amazon forest is -there are saints celebrations and others because there are Indians in the area) On New Year’s Eve people go in the streets and it’s very common to go to the beach and see fireworks more differences

9 9 Interesting bits from our ePals´letters I was born …in Salvador-Bahia, but now I am living in Belo Horizonte-Minas Gerais. Sometimes I read a book. The last one was The Huner of Kites. I loved it! When I was a kid, I had a dream. It was… a dog, but as I travel a lot, my dad never gave me one. My favorite TV show is Greek.

10 10 Interesting bits from our ePals´letters Belo Horizonte… is a great city to live. There are some kinds of songs that are unique to my area,like "forró" and "folia de reis”. We celebrate Christmas… At midnight we usually exchange presents and play a game. Before the party we take a piece of paper with a name, and than we buy a present to this person. Then you say some caracteristics about this person to your family so they can find out who is. It's very nice, but i don't like very much Christmas, I don't know why.

11 11 Interesting bits from our ePals’ letters …The only part I enjoy, is the presents exchange! Carnival… it's the best party of all ! Actually, I´m not involved in any specific project, but last year there was a Social Action for child of slums. My favorite teacher is Cristiane because she is nice

12 12 Sources Our email exchange www.google.com

13 13 Thank you! muito agradecido!

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