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Yimia Alaniz Bandin. At home I usually wake up around: 6:15 am I usually go to bed at: 10:00 pm.

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Presentation on theme: "Yimia Alaniz Bandin. At home I usually wake up around: 6:15 am I usually go to bed at: 10:00 pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yimia Alaniz Bandin

2 At home

3 I usually wake up around: 6:15 am I usually go to bed at: 10:00 pm

4 Before I go to bed, I: brush my teeth, and wash my face

5 My three favorite things to do at home are: watch tv, eat, have fun with my family and sleep

6 Today at breakfast I ate: eggs

7 When I need a quiet place to relax I go to: my room (This is not my room)

8 Last night for dinner I ate: crepes

9 Chores I do at home are: clean my room, make the bed, take out the trash, give food and water to the dog and sometimes wash dishes.

10 If I were in charge, I would be able to watch 2 hours of television every day.

11 At school

12 The last book I read was: dear dumb diary

13 If the school cafeteria serves vegetal omelets I will be first in line, but if they serve pork I will bring lunch that day. If I could make up a new word it would be: feca

14 The definition would be: don’t wake me up, im tired I’m really good at: sports I like visiting these websites: facebook, google, cinepolis, IMDb.

15 My favorite subject is: World geography and language arts. My least favorite subject is: spanish and math

16 When I’m not at school you’ll probably find me: in a party, with my friends, playing soccer or being a girl scout

17 I’m there a lot because:I love doing all these activities, they entertain me a lot.

18 Vacation and free time

19 This summer I : went to nuevo vallarta almost a month with my family.

20 I read 0 books this summer: but I read a magazine

21 Three stores I shopped in this summer: blockbuster, soriana and walmart for groceries.

22 If I could meet one living person it would be: miss Mexico, Ryan Reynolds, Jennifer Aniston

23 If I was given a lot of money, I would buy: Lots of clothes Travel all the world ( including London, Italy, etc..) Give money to charity Give the rest of the money to my parents and family.

24 Here’s to a fantastic year!

25 My autograph:

26 My dog “lazy”

27 New year and christmas

28 my friends

29 My family


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