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Sorrento New Year 2015 Educational Visit Dal 29 dicembre al 3 gennaio 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Sorrento New Year 2015 Educational Visit Dal 29 dicembre al 3 gennaio 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sorrento New Year 2015 Educational Visit Dal 29 dicembre al 3 gennaio 2015

2 DEPARTURE: Stansted-Naples Monday 29 th December 2014. Meet at Stansted at 11.00 am promptly! Flight n. EZY 3251 @ 13.10 Arrival at Naples Airport is expected at 16.50 local time.

3 RETURN – Saturday 3rd January Leaving Hotel Flora at 17.00 hrs. Flight n. EZY3254 arriving at 23.25 Please collect your daughter from Stansted Airport promptly as we ALL need to get home for a good rest! Girls are expected to ATTEND SCHOOL on Monday 5 th January!!!

4 LUGGAGE One large suitcase allowed 20Kg + hand luggage and handbag. Make sure you have a SAFE way of carrying your purse and valuables.

5 Grand Hotel Flora**** Sorrento: 0039 081 8782520

6 Sorrento

7 Capri

8 SAFETY & SECURITY On the coach in Italy – seat belts on at all times. Be considerate of the drivers, don’t make unnecessary noise and keep the coach clean. At hotel – keep rooms TIDY. Be considerate of other guests. Personal – follow the same personal safety rules as you would in England. DO NOT GIVE TELEPHONE NUMBERS or the name of our hotel to anyone you meet. Possessions : Don’t bring expensive jewellery or other valuable items YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE!

9 MONEY: How much to bring? Up to you – allow enough for extra drinks, snacks and shopping. Allow money to buy food for return journey. Get your Euros in advance - no commission at Post Office! LOOK AFTER IT!! Ideally have it in waistband – not in obvious purse in handbags. €50 note cash deposit for hotel damage (due by Wed 17th Dec. )

10 INSURANCE / PASSPORT School insurance, as for all trips! European Health Card for EU medical insurance! Do not forget to hand in your passports to Mrs. Esposito by Wednesday 17 th December at the latest!

11 BEHAVIOUR High standards are expected as usual At hotel and during all visits/outings Strictly no smoking, alcohol, drugs Usual school sanctions will apply Meanwhile any miscreant will stay with a member of staff Parents and Mrs O’Neill will be informed immediately But it won’t happen, will it?

12 Reply slips must be returned signed by parents to Mrs Esposito a.s.a.p Home and emergency telephone numbers and medical information (allergies/ current medication, etc) to be handed in a.s.a.p (Please state if vegetarian) Give your passport and health card to Mrs Esposito by Wednesday 17 th December. Money (Euros) – to be kept in waistband, not purse or handbag, no recommendation on amount to take. Be vigilant and always check your change! Bring costume jewellery – not gold/ valuable items Bring appropriate clothes for the New Year celebrations!

13 Items to bring: Warm Clothes / coat/ scarf and gloves sensible shoes/ boots/ trainers going out clothes and shoes something suitable for New Year’s Eve sunglasses camera mobile phones allowed basic first aid kit, including plasters/ travel sickness tablets food (for outgoing journey only!!!)

14 You are responsible for your own valuables Take any worries or concerns about any aspect of the trip to: Mrs Esposito and/or Mrs Prowse. Be prompt for all meetings and particularly coach departure times. Timekeeping – listen to instructions, be punctual at all times and keep to bed times…OR ELSE! Accommodation – 4* Hotel. We are the only school allowed here at New Year, so respect this and report any damage as soon as practical. Be considerate of other guests (no shouting, screaming, running, banging etc.) Keep rooms tidy (store suitcases away, do not leave towels on the floor, no food, etc.) Do not use towels to remove make-up or you’ll have to pay to replace them. Only three people in the hotel lift at one time. Do not give telephone numbers or name of hotel to anyone you meet Teachers are ‘in loco parentis’ so no alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and inappropriate behaviour with boys – school rules apply. Mrs O’Neill and parents will be informed immediately. Finally, make the most of this wonderful opportunity and have fun!

15 EMERGENCIES!! I will have my mobile with me at all times, providing emergency contact for the girls and parents This number is: 0039 3408133044 (Italy) If necessary you may also contact Mr Beck in England: 07885278690 I will have all your phone numbers SO DON’T WORRY!

16 DIVERTITEVI E BUON VIAGGIO A TUTTE!!! Grazie e Buone Feste !!!

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