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INSECT DIGESTIVE SYSTEMS. Insect Digestive System Developmentally 1 2 3 1. Foregut (stomatodeum) - ectodermal 2. Hindgut (proctodeum) - ectodermal 3.

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2 Insect Digestive System Developmentally 1 2 3 1. Foregut (stomatodeum) - ectodermal 2. Hindgut (proctodeum) - ectodermal 3. Midgut (mesenteron) - endodermal cuticle


4 pharynx esophagus crop Malpighian tubules salivary glands cibarium salivarium gastric caeca proventriculus pylorus ileum rectum ventriculus anus

5 Variation in insect guts

6 What does the digestive system do? 1. Obtaining food 2. Mechanically breaks good down into smaller particles that facilitate the activity of digestive enzymes. 3. Enzymatic breakdown of larger food molecules into molecules that can enter the hemolymph. 4. Produce molecules that coordinate feeding and other digestive activities

7 Salivary Glands

8 Two types 1.Acinous (alveolar) – multicellular with sac-like units -directly innervated from CNS Subesophageal ganglion Produces dopamine for fluid secretion Stomatogastric NS Produces seratonin for enzyme production 2. Tubular – not directly innervated - seratonin from hemolymph to regulate enzyme production

9 Functions of Salivary Glands 1. Moisten food 2. Lubricate mouthparts 3. Contains digestive enzymes 3a. Amylase – complex sugars to simple sugars 3b. Salivary enzymes for preoral digestion 4. Non-digestive functions 4a. Toxins of predators that affect CNS of prey 4b. Counter toxins of plant allelochemicals 4c. Anti-coagulants 4d. Silk production

10 Insect Saliva - Composition e.g. Mosquito saliva - 20 polypeptides > 70 unique proteins

11 Insect Saliva – Composition - changes Prates et al, 2008. J. Med. Ent 45:409 Lutzomyia longipalpis

12 Insect Saliva – Composition - changes Prates et al, 2008. J. Med. Ent 45:409 Lutzomyia longipalpis

13 Salivary Glands Aphid Blood feeders Silk cocoons Plant galls

14 Salivary glands are involved in disease transmission

15 Foregut Cicada (Homoptera)

16 pharynx esophagus crop Malpighian tubules salivary glands cibarium salivarium gastric caeca proventriculus pylorus ileum rectum ventriculus anus

17 Foregut

18 Proventriculus - intima -grasshopper

19 Peritrophic membrane Secretion Delamination

20 Peritrophic membrane Membrane secreting cells Invagination of stomatodeum Secretion vesicles Peritrophic membrane

21 Bacterium Food

22 Peritrophic membrane

23 Enclosing fecal pellet Peritrophic membrane

24 pharynx esophagus crop Malpighian tubules salivary glands cibarium salivarium gastric caeca proventriculus pylorus ileum rectum ventriculus anus

25 Midgut Enzymes - InsectDietProteaseLipaseAmylaseInvertaseMaltase Cockroachomnivorous √√√√√ Carausiusphytophagous √√√√√ Lepidoptera larvae phytophagous √√√√√ adultsnectar √ adultsNon-feeding Luciliameat √√ Glossinablood √

26 Termites

27 Absorption of digested material

28 Movement of H 2 0 Movement of water, inorganic ions, sugars & amino acids caecum Malpighian tubule

29 Absorption of digested material Cicadas

30 Fat Body Cross section of mosquito abdomen (FB = fat body)

31 Fat Body Functions of fat body - metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and nitrogenous compounds - storage of glycogen, fat and protein - regulation of blood sugar -synthesis of major hemolymph (blood) proteins (haemoglobins, vitellogenins, storage proteins)

32 Fat Body Functions of fat body – changes with needs – e.g. calliphorin 10 5 0 Amount of calliphorin in hemoglobin ~7 ~3 ~.03

33 Fat Body – cell types Trophocytes -carry out most of functions of fat body Urocytes - storage of urates/uric acid

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