About Estyn Estyn is the office of Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales. It is independent of, but funded by, the National Assembly.

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Presentation on theme: "About Estyn Estyn is the office of Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales. It is independent of, but funded by, the National Assembly."— Presentation transcript:

1 About Estyn Estyn is the office of Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales. It is independent of, but funded by, the National Assembly for Wales under Section 104 of the Government of Wales Act 1998. The Chief Inspector and her staff are civil servants. The purpose of Estyn is to inspect quality and standards in education and training in Wales. Estyn is responsible for inspecting: nursery schools and settings that are maintained by, or receive funding from, local authorities; primary schools; secondary schools; special schools; pupil referral units; independent schools; further education; independent specialist colleges; adult community learning; local authority education services for children and young people; teacher education and training; Welsh for adults; work-based learning; and learning in the justice sector.

2 About Estyn (continued) Estyn also: provides advice on standards and quality across all aspects of education and training in Wales to the Welsh Assembly Government and others; and makes public good practice based on inspection evidence. Where are we: Estyn’s office is in Anchor Court, Keen Road, Splott, CARDIFF, CF24 5JW Contact details Website: www.estyn.gov.ukwww.estyn.gov.uk E-mail: enquiries@estyn.gov.uk Telephone: 029 2044 6446

3 Estyn’s Management Structure Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education and Training in Wales Name: Ann Keane Grade: Senior Civil Service Pay Band 2 Salary: between £105,000 - £112,200 at 31 December 2014 Post 1 Strategic Director Post 2 Senior Civil Service Pay band 1 Strategic Director Post 3 Senior Civil Service Pay band 1 Corporate Services Functions 1 x Corporate Services Director 1.24 x Branch Heads 3 x Senior Executive Officers 7.96 x Higher Executive Officers 19.31 x Executive Officers 13.32 x Administrative Officers Total costs = £1.6m Inspection Staff 6 x Assistant Directors (Inspection) 50.85 x Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Education and Training Total costs = £5.1m (Including costs of 2 x Strategic Directors)

4 Salary scales in Estyn as at 31 December 2014 Civil Service Grade Grade minimum (£) Grade Maximum (£) Permanent SIPFTE Administrative Officer 17,20020,9501413.32 Executive Officer22,40025,7502019.31 Higher Executive Officer 27,55033,90087.96 Senior Executive Officer 36,00042,85033 Grade 746,55055,50021.24 Grade 657,55068,1505750.85 Grade 657,55068,15077 Grade 5 and above 58,200162,50033 SIP = Number of staff in post FTE = Full time equivalent

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