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Portrait of a Nation. John Adams Takes Office Second President Thomas Jefferson – Vice President First election with political parties.

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Presentation on theme: "Portrait of a Nation. John Adams Takes Office Second President Thomas Jefferson – Vice President First election with political parties."— Presentation transcript:

1 Portrait of a Nation

2 John Adams Takes Office Second President Thomas Jefferson – Vice President First election with political parties

3 Federalist President and Democratic-Republican Vice President

4 IV. Problems with France Near war with France – French seized U.S. ships- to prevent trading with the British Diplomats are sent to France to restore peace

5 XYZ Affair – report to President Adams that French officials tried to bribe U.S. diplomats Bribe – Loan France 10 million Pay 250,000 to French minister


7 Alien and Sedition Acts Alien – an immigrant who is not yet a citizen


9 Alien and Sedition Acts – laws that said that immigrants had to wait 14 years to become a citizen Sedition- saying or writing anything false or harmful about the government

10 States rights- theory that said states had rights that the federal government could not violate. (declared unconstitutional)

11 Alien and Sedition Acts violated the Constitution They expired between 1800 and 1802

12 Portrait of a Nation in 1800 The U.S. is a nation of 16 states, population 5 million – Almost 1 million slaves Still mostly an agrarian (agricultural) society Only 1 in 25 Americans was a city dweller

13 Age of Homespun Most Americans are self-sufficient – live and work on a farm – Produce their own food, clothes, and furniture

14 Largest cities are on the Atlantic coast Boston Baltimore New York Philadelphia-

15 A new industrial society is just beginning to emerge…

16 Samuel Slater 1790 - Samuel Slater builds the first spinning mill in Rhode Island Hired whole families

17 spinning jenny’s and power looms means that workers can produce more cloth in less time

18 Eli Whitney Created interchangeable parts These are parts that are exactly alike


20 Eli Whitney also invents the cotton gin – From one pound of cotton a day, we can clean 50 pounds a day

21 Slater and Whitney’s innovations will change EVERYTHING in America Industrial Revolution- Factory machines replace hand tools, large-scale manufacturing replaces farming as the main form of work.

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