Specific guidance tools for women, migrant and ethnic minority entrepreneurs – COPIE Guzmán García González-Posada Thessaloniki 25th November 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Specific guidance tools for women, migrant and ethnic minority entrepreneurs – COPIE Guzmán García González-Posada Thessaloniki 25th November 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Specific guidance tools for women, migrant and ethnic minority entrepreneurs – COPIE Guzmán García González-Posada Thessaloniki 25th November 2010

2 COPIE Framework ESF Community of Practice Duration 1.02.2009 – 31.01.2012 10 partners –Germany, Spain, Asturias, Flanders and Czech Republic, and Andalucia, Extremadura, Galicia, Lithuania and Wallonia.

3 Overall Objective To produce an environment in which entrepreneurship is a natural choice for people from all walks of life

4 4 working groups Entrepreneurship Education Quality Management Integrated Business Support Access to Finance.… and a transversal WG: Integrated Action Plan

5 Overall Objective To develop a comprehensive set of policies, interventions and support structures for business creation that meet the needs of disadvantaged groups Project Purpose A functioning community of practice to help to achieve the overall objective Specific objectives 1. To develop a European methodology for assessing the conditions for inclusive entrepreneurship at different levels THE DIAGNOSTIC TOOL 2. To develop common methods for identifying and retrieving good practice on how to build entrepreneurial ladders out of social exclusion WIKIPRENEUR SHIP 3. To strenghten inclusive entrepreneurship strategies during the next round of the structural funds. COPIE 2 4. To encourage MS and regions outwith the CoP to adopt this approach APPLICATION TO OTHER REGIONS

6 The tool: Trafic light scoring

7 Key learning Include the voice of the beneficiaries Generates evidence and data for all target groups on which to base policy and practical actions Plan dissemination and capitalisation from the start Involvement of policy makers, practitioners and experts Often the first time departments have been engaged in inclusive entrepreneurship discussions

8 Low involvement of formal education policy Limited coverage of entrepreneurship within the formal school curriculum Teachers are not all prepared and have no materials Education activities are adressed to general population and less to specific target groups No connection between school and enterprises Entrepreneurship Education: The Challenges

9 Enterpreneurship Education: The evidence Helps young people at risk of school disengagement Early intervention and prevention Cultural context is crucial Teachers play a pivotal role Reinforces entrepreneurial intention

10 A Success Example: Manchester Academy (UK) Whole school approach to EE Develop Enterprise as many different formal and informal contexts as possible Personalisation Professional and cognitive competences and life skills Strong links with local business sector Results: good exam grades from 8% to 70% www.manchester-academy.org

11 Some EE suggestions Embedding the Entrepreneurship in schools Children/Young people working with real issues, making them realise they can create change Teacher attitude based on entrepreneurial skills Recognition of children as creators of their own destiny

12 Promotion of entrepreneurship among specific groups - Guidance tools

13 Personal Self-confidence Critical thinking Independence Entrepreneurial Initiative Creativity Confronting risks The CONCEPT: Personal qualities Management Planning Decison-making Communication Responsibility Social Networking Team work Learning to assume new roles

14 School for women entrepreneurs (Asturias-Spain) Methodology adapted to the needs of women: –Specific contents, like role playing and other activities designed to increase confidence and self-esteem. –Designing Mobile and flexible methodologies,.

15 Another examples Drug users: Basta Cooperative (Sweden) Young people: Prince Trust (UK) Roma people: Youngbusiness.net Jobs (Bulgaria) Migrants: Impulsa (Spain) Unternehmer ohne Grenzen (Germany) Women: WEED Network, Gründerinnenzentrale (Germany)

16 Methodologies Comprehensive approach Customisation Flexibility and adaptation Training of representatives of the specific groups as trainers Participation of Local Champions

17 Methodologies Combination of individual and collective measures (empowerment) Actions towards an active engagement of participants Ongoing motivation and coaching

18 The governance Cooperation with institutions and business support organisations Links outplacement-business support structures The role of informal networks and local community organisations Territorial approach

19 Food for thought Qualification and certification Lack of professional training for advisers Long term programmes Involvement of key stakeholders Connection employment/enterprise policies

20 Thank you ggarciagp@mtin.es www.copie2.es

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