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Personalisation Implications for the workforce. On the internal workforce –What does the new agenda mean for social care staff? –What changes will we.

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Presentation on theme: "Personalisation Implications for the workforce. On the internal workforce –What does the new agenda mean for social care staff? –What changes will we."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personalisation Implications for the workforce

2 On the internal workforce –What does the new agenda mean for social care staff? –What changes will we have to make? How will we develop our workforce? On the external workforce –What does the new agenda mean for staff of suppliers and partners? –What are the key issues related to workforce development? Is it culture change, new skills required, training required, timelines? Does it extend to suppliers/voluntary sector/in-house providers, or all of these?

3 Where are we starting from? The workforce is the main asset in social care We have an existing workforce, internal and external We have an existing service user group We have existing ways of doing business We have existing performance targets and must-be- dones But: We have an ageing workforce We have a new user group with different expectations We have an increasing demand on services and limited resources We have a new policy direction

4 Work from principles 1.Individuals able to make informed choices 2.Self determination and self assessment as a default position 3.The right to good information to self direct 4.Individuals will need to develop skills in self care and self management 5.Technology can help to support self care 6.Engaging people in co-production is the best means of delivering what individuals need 7.People have right to take risks and we have a duty to keep people safe

5 What do these mean for staff? Ability to shift values to supporting and empowering individuals away from doing things for people Communication and relationship skills to enable individuals to gain confidence Supporting people to access relevant information to make choices Facilitates training and coaching to gain skills in self direction and self care 12341234

6 What will it mean for staff (continued) Explaining use of equipment and devices appropriately that can support self care Promoting involvement of individuals in support networks and planning and service development Supporting person to make choices and manage risks 567567

7 What is required: in house? A plan (defining area and workforce covered) Defining the model Identification of new roles and new ways of working New team structures fit for new purpose Numbers of staff within each role required Revised job descriptions Training and support to take on these roles Tools of the trade: basic knowledge, technical skills, ‘soft’ skills. Continuous learning and development

8 What is required: external? Communicating change and feeding back intelligence on what people want Growth of independent brokerage Risks of a less regulated and less qualified workforce Shaping the market to meet new demand Prevention and early intervention Access for all to universal services Working with partners towards greater integration, e.g. health, community.

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