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Presentation on theme: "Vitamins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vitamins

2 Definition Vitamins- are complex organic substances. You need them in small amounts for normal growth, maintenance, and reproduction. Your body can not produce most vitamins so you need to eat a nutritious diet.

3 Two Categories Fat-soluble vitamins Water-soluble vitamins

4 Fat-soluble Vitamins Vitamins that dissolve in fat.
They are carried by the fats in foods and can be stored in the fatty tissues of the body. Over time they build up. Can be dangerous if you over take supplements.

5 Fat-soluble Vitamins Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K

6 Vitamin A Body uses to make a chemical compound the eyes need to adapt to darkness. Promotes growth in bones and teeth. Promotes healthy skin.

7 Sources of Vitamin A Found in foods: Liver Egg Yolk Whole Milk Butter
Fish Oil

8 Deficiencies and Excesses
Too little Vitamin A can lead to: Night blindness Rough skin In sever cases stunted growth Too much Vitamin A can lead to: Fatigue Headaches Nausea and vomiting

9 Vitamin D Promotes growth and proper maintenance of bones and teeth. Vitamin D performs this function by helping the body use the minerals calcium and phosphorus.

10 Sources of Vitamin D The Sun Foods: Eggs Liver Fatty Fish, salmon

11 Deficiencies and Excesses
Too little Vitamin D: -Body will not be able to use calcium and phosphorus as it should. -Severe cases Rickets can develop. Symptoms are crooked legs, distended belly. Too much Vitamin D: Body will store excess which an cause, Vomiting, nausea, weight loss, - Can damage lungs and kidneys

12 Vitamin E Functions mainly as a dietary antioxidant, it reduces the harmfully effects of oxygen on normal body functions.

13 Sources of Vitamin E Foods: Fats and Oils
Whole Grain Bread and Cereals Liver Eggs Whole Milk Leafy Greens

14 Deficiencies and Excesses
Too little Vitamin E: -Premature infants may have this deficiency Too much Vitamin E: You could hemorrhage

15 Vitamin K Helps the liver make prothrombin, a protein blood needs to clot.

16 Sources of Vitamin K Foods: Cauliflower Leafy greens Egg Yolk
Organ Meats

17 Deficiencies and Excesses
Too little Vitamin K: You could hemorrhage due to lack of blood clotting Too much Vitamin K: Develop toxicity

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