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EU policy for digitisation of cultural rersources

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1 EU policy for digitisation of cultural rersources
Khalil Rouhana Director, European Commission Directorate-General for Information Society and Media IMPACT final conference 24-25 October 2011 The British Library - London

2 Cultural heritage and the DAE
Digitisation of cultural heritage A sustainable financing model for Europeana Orphan and out-of-commerce works Legal framework Update Recommendation on digitisation In preparation Public Sector Information and Open Data Cultural resources as a PSI

3 The work of the Comité des Sages “Bringing Europe’s Cultural Heritage Online”
Stresses the economic aspects next to the cultural aspects ‘Access’ is the central concept Digitisation as a moral obligation Europeana central in the strategy Private funds (PPP) for digitisation are necessary, under openness and transparency condition

4 Bringing Culture Online: the bottlenecks
Funding challenge: more digitisation is necessary at Member State level Legal challenge: adaptation of the legal framework to bring in-copyright material online

5 Forthcoming: update of the Commission Recommendation to Member States
2006: Commission Recommendation on the digitisation and online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation 2011: Update of the Recommendation: Support to Europeana Role of PPPs Principles on openness Importance of Public Domain - Bringing also in-copyright works into Europeana

6 Cultural material as part of an Open Data strategy
Aim: widest possible access to and re-use of cultural material for creativity Both for non-commercial and commercial purposes Review of the Directive on the re-use of public sector information Importance of open metadata

7 Our ambitions for Europeana
Access for all Enriching and diversifying collections & users experience Target of more than 30 Million objects (already 19 million in 2011) A hub for the creative industries Inspire creation of content and new online services Facilitate economic activity based on digitised cultural resources. A platform also for in-copyright material Full respect of the underlying intellectual property rights

8 Cultural resources and digitisation in ICT in FP7
Call 9 (DL is 17 April, 2012): Digital preservation and cultural heritage Addressing digitisation challenges Total budget 70 M€ Including R&D projects and CSAs WP 2013 Orientation in preparation Could include ICT for creativity, Preservation,

9 Cultural resources and digitisation in - CIP ICT PSP, 2012-2013
Orientations on digital content, open data & creativity Content in Europeana / experiment new technological solutions Extend operations on re-use / links to creative industries Open Data (GI, OA, PSI, CH) - continue the competition experiments

10 Funding opportunities 2014-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework
Horizon a significant increase to Research and Innovation funding Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) – cross-border infrastructures in energy, transport and ICT to strengthen the internal market

11 Horizon 2020 proposal Multiannual Financial Framework (2014-2020)
Commission proposal adopted on 29 June 2011 Proposed amount for Horizon 2020: €80 billion bringing R&I togther 46% increase compared to current period ( ) R&I increases to 8.5% of overall EU budget Detailed proposal in November

12 Draft Horizon 2020 – proposed objectives and structure
Europe 2020 priorities European Research Area International cooperation Shared objectives and principles Tackling Societal Challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security and the bio-based economy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Supply of raw materials Resource efficiency and climate action Inclusive, innovative and secure societies Creating Industrial Leadership and Competitive Frameworks Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies ICT Nanotech., Materials, Manuf. and Processing Biotechnology Space Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs Excellence in the Science Base Frontier research (ERC) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Skills and career development (Marie Curie) Research infrastructures Simplified access Dissemination & knowledge tranfer Common rules, toolkit of funding schemes

13 Connecting Europe Facility CEF 2014-2020
Commission proposal to promote the completion of : Energy priority corridors €9.1 billion Transport core network €21.7 billion Broadband and key digital services €9.2 billion High speend Internet 9 European Digital Infrastructures,

14 Connecting Europe Facility CEF: Key digital services
Access to digital resources of European heritage: make available large collections of European cultural resources in digital form Foster their re-use by third parties Core platform: Europeana Generic services Includes competence centres on digitisation and preservation of digital cultural heritage

15 Competence centres: - Our vision for coordinated effort in digitisation in Europe
Support for the ‘best of breed’ Generate equal access to excellence from anywhere While avoiding redundancy Improve digitisation capacity quality, coherence, efficiency, widespread accessibility Provide services of guaranteed quality directly or brokerage access Leveraging effect link EU added value and national initiatives Facilitate training and spreading knowledge,  Lasting structuring effect!

16 Organisation of digitisation
Competence centres addressing the challenges for digitisation in Member States Organisation of digitisation Clear overviews and targets, avoid overlaps Optimisation of capacity Pooling of digitisation efforts equipment and expertise, cross-border collaboration Support in access to funding PPPs, Structural Funds… CEF, aggregation in Europeana and digitisation?

17 Challenges for Competence centres
Sustainability transition from the project innovation to brokerage of services and expertise Types of services, clients, funding, business plans EU provides both guidance (recommendation) and financial support (eg FP7, CIP and CEF)

18 DAE: “Every European digital!”
In summary: Continued support to digitisation Platform, competence, innovation and creativity Openness for access and re-use Creative industries Improving framework conditions for digitisation online access & digital preservation of cultural material

19 “The culture industry will tomorrow be one of the biggest industries, a creator of wealth and jobs. We have to build a powerful European culture industry that will enable us to be in control of both the medium and its content, maintaining our standards of civilization, and encouraging the creative people amongst us.” Jacques Delors Inaugural speech at the European Parliament 1985

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