Parent Education TECA 1303 Chapter 13. Do we need parent education?

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1 Parent Education TECA 1303 Chapter 13

2 Do we need parent education?

3 ©2010 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. What Is Parent Education?  Traditional views and definitions Large informational meetings Competent professional dispensing facts to less-competent parent  Family support programs offer family-community interaction  Functions of parent education Stimulate parents to examine relationships with their children Encourage interaction among parents Help parents prevent problems and optimize their function

4 Family Life Education  Teach parents how child develops  Guidance strategies  Specific areas: helping toddlers’ language, temperaments, discipline (various age groups), health and safety, dealing with difficult behaviors, etc.  Classes can be one time or several weeks  Court-ordered vs voluntary  Many programs available

5 Types of Family Life Education  Letters and Newsletters  Conferences with parent  Bulletin Boards  Parenting Minute in meeting  Speaker on topic  Topical workshop  Series around topic  Ongoing workshop or meetings on children’s development

6 ©2010 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Examples of Predesigned Parent Education Programs  Parent Effectiveness Training (PET)  Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP)  Active Parenting Today (APT)  AVANCE Parenting Education  Center for the Improvement of Child Caring

7 Parent Ed Books and Packages  Parents As Teachers Trained people with degrees work with parents focused on birth to three, although they now cover to 5 All families have strengths Parents are the experts on their child  Home visits  Group meetings  Developmental Screening  Connections with community resources  HIPPY Emphasis on preparing 3-5 to succeed in school Paraprofessionals trained to work with families in home

8 Parent Ed Books and Packages  Parents As Teachers st&p=639AEE3848510274&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index =2 st&p=639AEE3848510274&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index =2 Trained people with degrees work with parents focused on birth to three, although they now cover to 5 All families have strengths Parents are the experts on their child  Home visits  Group meetings  Developmental Screening  Connections with community resources  HIPPY Emphasis on preparing 3-5 to succeed in school Paraprofessionals trained to work with families in home

9 Parents As Learners  Parents bring their own knowledge, experience and learning styles to training situations  Parents acquire new information and skills by changing existing information and adding new information to what they previously knew  Parents learn best when they, not the curriculum is the focus of the program  Parents must be able to explore and make their own discoveries; they learn best from activity  They need opportunities to discuss, collaborate and share experiences and information with peers.  They need concrete, everday examples and problems to discuss  They need opportunities to share opposing points of view and share consensus  They need a variety of learning strategies that appeal to many senses

10 Parents As Learners  Parents need to feel free to guide and direct their learning  Parents are motivated to learn when they have a need to do so. They want to know WIIFM  parents need training that is focused on solving immediate problems  They need theory and knowledge they can apply  They respond best when taught by facilitators who care about their learners and recognize their experience  They come with a variety of education, background, experience, intelligence, emotional stability and motivation for achievement and change  They must feel motivated  Thoughts, emotions, imagination, and physical condition affect the ability to attend and retain information

11 How do you involve parents in classes?  Use a needs assessment (handout)  Offer food, transportation, child care  Provide in their community or comfortable setting  Provide in language or cultural context  Make it interactive  Open-ended discussions  Honor their expertise

12 Planning Your Parent Support Programs  Who is audience?  How large do you want your group to be?  What do you want them to learn/goals?  How much time do you have?  What type of resources/facilities do you have?  What materials or curriculum will you use?  Will you create your own program?

13 Design Your Workshop  Decide on topic, set goals  Know audience  Plan timelines  Research content  Use variety of instruction methods

14 Trainer Methodologies  Games  Demonstrations  Case Studies  Group Discussions  Panels  Quizzes  Debates  Brainstorming  Questioner  Role Plays  Reports  Guest Presenters  Simulations  Mentoring  Models  Stories  Skits  Buzz groups  Projects

15 Small Group Activity Parenting Video: YouTube - December 9 - TiredofYelling.comYouTube - December 9 -  Read handout “Dealing with Difficult People and Situations in Training”  Pretend that you are moderating a small group of parents who are discussing the previous video clip and you have the following issues arise: Dominant speaker who hogs the floor An argument breaks out A person who constantly changes the subject focusing on his personal problems  Discuss how you would deal with each situation.

16 Market Your Program  Identify a target group  Find their needs  Design program to meet needs  Communicate and develop a message parents want to hear  Post flyers  Contact schools, churches, social service agencies, libraries, newspapers,child care centers, businesses

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