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Welcome to Keyboarding / Word Basics Mrs. Piotrowski (aka…Mrs. P.) Room 212 2015 - 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Keyboarding / Word Basics Mrs. Piotrowski (aka…Mrs. P.) Room 212 2015 - 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Keyboarding / Word Basics Mrs. Piotrowski (aka…Mrs. P.) Room 212 2015 - 2016

2 TOUCH TYPING Students learn to type by touch rather than sight. Typing has grown far beyond the stereotypical image of an office secretary and is now a vital skill for ALL 21 st Century job seekers

3 Topics Taught: Proper Keyboarding Skills Proper Way to Format: –Business Letters –Envelopes & Labels –Memorandums –Newsletters –Reports Proper Spelling/Grammar Helpful Hints Introduction into Word 2010...introductory level Fun Fridays – listening skills, communication skills Fun Fridays – listening skills, communication skills.

4 Grades: Once keys are well known…timed writings Spelling quizzes Keyboarding Jobs and Projects Class Participation This class is easy (if you are here), fun, and it teaches you a skill that you will use the rest of your life.

5 Class Needs: A folder with paper in it Something to write with You MUST sign up to receive texts on class assignments….please get out cell phones at this time. (Click here) (Click here)(Click here) Assignments will be on web page calendar…

6 Spelling Quizzes: Every Tuesday and Thursday…why? (most of the time) –You won’t always have a computer with you to do spell check. –Sometimes the spell check won’t catch if in all caps –Poor Spelling gives a poor reflection of you. –There is always an opportunity to improve your spelling grade by doing corrections

7 Class Rules: 1.Be on time and prepared for class 2.Dress appropriately for school….follow the school dress code 3.Follow directions 4.Proper language will be used at all times 5.Respect will be given to me, other students and my equipment 6.There will be zero tolerance for bullying in my classroom. 7.No cell phones will be used unless I state to use it…otherwise it will remain in shoe rack. 8.Remain in assigned seat until the bell rings.

8 Consequences for breaking any of the previously stated rules.. 1.One verbal warning 2.Depending on the offense, school policy will be followed for lates to class, inappropriate dress and cell phones will be confiscated. 3.If a severe situation would occur such as fighting, mouthing back to me, or public bullying, I would assess the situation to determine whether the student needs to be addressed in a different way or immediately removed from the class. 4.Call home to parent 5.Referral to administration

9 Mrs. P’s Pet Peeves (in random order) Foul Language Disrespect for me and/or other students Lining up before the bell rings Late to class and not prepared to learn Cell Phones/Pagers/MP3 Players/ipods (in class) Once the bell rings…EVERYONE is to be prepared and ready to learn.

10 Software/Programs Used: Microsoft Word 2010 MicroType Typing, Internet/Typing Tools

11 When will you use this learned skill? Every day of your life…Work, Home & Play It truly is the best skill I ever learned in high school.

12 Any Questions?

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