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11 th Amendment Prevents Lawsuits against states in Federal Courts One state cannot sue another state Citizens cannot sue a state You can sue individual.

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Presentation on theme: "11 th Amendment Prevents Lawsuits against states in Federal Courts One state cannot sue another state Citizens cannot sue a state You can sue individual."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 th Amendment Prevents Lawsuits against states in Federal Courts One state cannot sue another state Citizens cannot sue a state You can sue individual officials of the state You can still challenge a state for your rights, but not monetary compensation

2 12 th Amendment Prior to this amendment people would run for President – whoever got first became Pres and second place was Vice President 1800 election -Jefferson & Burr tied – House chooses Jefferson but arguments between Jefferson’s secretary, A. Hamilton & VP Burr would lead to a dual Separate ballots for VP – you actually have to run for VP Now the person running for President chooses their OWN running mate (VP) prior to the election.

3 13 th Amendment 1865 – part of a series of Civil Rights amendments following The Civil War Abolished Slavery Prevents indentured servitude

4 14 th Amendment Includes some VERY IMPORTANT elements 1. “Equal Protection Clause” – gov’t must treat ALL persons equally under the law. No person can be discriminated against by the gov’t – if so, you can go to Supreme Court No laws showing favor towards one groups Laws must be EQUAL for all people 2. Due Process (again) - State Gov’t must comply Due Process (and all other amendments)

5 15 th Amendment Voting Rights Any male citizen can vote no matter race, creed, or nationality. Notice this DID NOT include women

6 16 th Amendment Federal Income Tax U.S. Congress has the power to levy taxes on income Must be used for public goods and not personal gain. Interstates, federal programs The state governments tax separately

7 17 th Amendment U.S. Senate is Popularly Elected Statewide 2 Senators per state elected by the people of that state to represent them in the FEDERAL gov’t (example of Federalism) Prior to this amendment the Senate members were chosen by the elected House of Reps members

8 18 th Amendment Prohibition of Alcohol No selling, consumption, trading or buying of alcohol. Complete ban!

9 19 th Amendment Women’s Suffrage Women are now able to vote and are included in the “equal protection clause”

10 20 th Amendment Lame Duck – period before leaving office after an election has taken place (Nov – Jan) Prior to this, inaugurations (taking office) were in March –This amendment moved inaugurations to January. It shortened the “lame duck” period for U.S. Congress members (Presidential inauguration ALWAYS January 20 th @ Noon!!!!!!)

11 21 st Amendment Repealed the entire 18 th Amendment Repealed = to eliminate/do away with

12 22 nd Amendment Two Term Limit for Pres Added after FDR ran for FOUR terms and WON – Congress felt that gave the Pres too much power One term = 4yrs Two terms = 4 + 4 = 8yrs But they gave a TWO year wiggle room for max years (max years = 10) as Pres in case you were VP that had to take over the remaining Pres term.

13 23 rd Amendment Electoral Votes = votes a state receives for Pres Washington D.C. receives 3 Electoral Votes When having an election for President, D.C. will be given 3 of the Electoral Votes Washington D.C. is not a state/territory – it is an area of land set aside and owned by the Federal gov’t

14 24 th Amendment Abolished Poll Taxes ( a poll is where you go to vote) Voting is a NATURAL right as a citizen and you cannot be charged to vote in ANY state or federal election.

15 25 th Amendment Two part amendment 1. VP will stand in as Pres if the Pres is unable to do his duties, like he is sick – VP & Congress vote to determine Pres’ return. 2. Presidential Succession – list the order of replacement if the President dies, is removed, or resigns. 1. VP 2. Speaker of the House 3. Pres Pro Temp 4. Secretary of State – it goes through 18 people This only occurs if something happens to them at same time Once we replace the Pres with the VP, another VP is chosen.

16 26 th Amendment Voting Age Age to vote in federal and state elections = 18

17 27 th Amendment Congressional Pay Congress cannot vote to increase their (or executive branch) pay for their current term. Pay increases take effect at the start of a new term.

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