Athletic Training Care & Prevention Instructor: Ayleen Monzon L/ATC Period: 7&8.

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1 Athletic Training Care & Prevention Instructor: Ayleen Monzon L/ATC Period: 7&8

2 Chapter 1 Organization & Administration What is Athletic Training? It is the prevention, recognition, evaluation, treatment, rehabilitation, and health care administration of athletic injuries. (Cramer) Athletic training encompasses the prevention, diagnosis, and intervention of emergency, acute, and chronic medical conditions involving impairment, functional limitations, and disabilities. (NATA)

3 Athletic Training Involves an entire team: Board Certified (BOC) Certified Athletic Trainer Athletic Training Students Team Physician Parents Coaches School Administration Maintenance Personnel

4 Athletic Trainer The Certified Athletic Trainer in addition to the traditional setting are working as integral members:  Sports Medicine Clinics  Industrial Settings  Professional Sports Programs  Educational Institutions  Athletic Health Care Settings

5 National Athletic Trainers’ Association The Athletic Training Profession NATA was founded in 1950 Membership now exceeds 30,000 members "The mission of the National Athletic Trainers' Association is to enhance the quality of health care provided by certified athletic trainers and to advance the athletic training profession."

6 The Athletic Training Profession  1960’ The NATA assumed the leadership in establishing high standards for the education and certification of athletic trainers.  In 1990, the American Medical Association (AMA) recognized athletic training as an allied health profession.

7 Establishing An Athletic Training/Sports Medicine Program Checklist for Safety in Sports: To establish an effective AT program, school administrators should seek the following: BOC Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC) Designated area within the facility for medical care/athletic training room Medical files that include accident injury reports, parental consent, insurance referral, and other reports

8 Establishing An Athletic Training/Sports Medicine Program Adequate funding Educational program for athletes Emergency medical action plan First Aid, Wound Care, Taping, and wrapping supplies H.I.P.A.A. (The health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) standards are followed

9 Establishing An Athletic Training/Sports Medicine Program Injury notification system Medical and dental insurance Qualified Coaches Qualified Officials Safe Sports Facilities Required pre-participation physical examinations All coaches, cheerleader, band, and drill team sponsors be certified in CPR, AED, & ARC Sports Safety Training (First Aid)

10 Starts with the ATC  Supervise care & Prevention  Finding a Team Physician  Supervises ATC & Staff

11 Team Physician  Supervise pre-participation physicals and medical histories.  Clearing of players for return to activity after injury.  Working with the athletic trainers  On call for emergencies  A school should have a qualified team physician on the sideline at all football games and other high risk sporting activities.

12 BOC Certified Athletic Trainer A highly educated and skilled professional specializing in health care of the physically active. (Cramer) Athletic trainers: health care professionals who collaborate with physicians to optimize activity and participation of patients and clients. A pproved by NATA Board of Directors

13 BOC Certified Athletic Trainer  Prevention of athletic injuries  Recognition, evaluation, and immediate care of athletic injuries  Rehabilitation and reconditioning of athletic injuries  Health care administration/Immediate Care  Professional development and responsibility  Organization and Administration

14 BOC Certified Athletic Trainer o Use the designation “ATC” as their professional credential o State licensure requirements o Studies have shown that injury rates will increase without an ATC on site at practices o Serves as a liaison between team physician, coach, parent, and athlete. o Especially at the high school level, should maintain contact with parents regarding their son/daughters injury status, and return to play

15 BOC Certified Athletic Trainer During the off-season the ATC should work with coaches to improve the conditioning level of the team.  Devising specific conditioning programs for certain athletes  Assisting athletes recovering from injuries  Monitoring athletes who need to increase their lean body weight or decrease their body fat  Assist on purchasing and reconditioning of protective equipment.

16 BOC Certified Athletic Trainer Scope of Practice: A letter of delegated authority from the team physician on file, and under his/her direction. State licensure requirement.  The ATC will evaluate and provide first aid care  Initiate treatment plan/protocol (involving ice, heat, e-stim, ultrasound, and other modalities)

17 BOC Certified Athletic Trainer  Design and implement rehabilitation programs based on the physician protocol  Apply protective/supportive techniques that will allow the athlete to regain a physically active lifestyle.  Inventory/purchasing of supplies and completing/accident record forms

18 Typical patients and clients served by athletic trainers include:  Recreational, amateur, and professional athletes  Individuals who have suffered musculoskeletal injuries  Those seeking strength, conditioning, fitness, and performance enhancement  Others delegated by the physician

19 Responsibilities: 1. Maintain Good Physical Condition 2. Practice the techniques taught by the Coaches 3. Follow instructions of the Coaches and the ATC

20 Responsibilities: 1. Should be updated on current illnesses and First Aid 2. Home Care 3. Health and Nutrition 4. Fair Rules ATC should disseminate information.

21 Responsibilities: 1. Enforcing fair Rules 2. Monitoring Playing Conditions 3. Co-operating with Athletic Trainer and Physicians when injuries Occur and when Environmental Hazards Exist.

22 Responsibilities: 1. Plan Practices: include conditioning and training of the athlete, teach techniques and rules of their sport 2. Selecting, fitting, and maintaining protective equipment 3. Supervision of practice and game facilities 4. Update education by attending clinics that review rule changes, skill development, first aid and CPR 5. Must place the athlete’s welfare foremost; work with ATC and Physicians to determine what is best for the athlete

23 Roles and Responsibilities: 1. Obtain First Aid and CPR certification 2. Develop skills in immediate care of injuries, preventive techniques 3. Basic treatment protocols 4. Maintain a clean athletic training area/facilities 5. Inventory control 6. Packing Kits

24 Roles and Responsibilities: 7. Preparation for practice and Games 8. Prepare electrolyte drink or water for practice/games 9. Assist in record keeping 10. Become involved in taping, wrapping, changing of dressings, giving minor treatments, and first aid. Must be under direct supervision of an ATC.

25 Athletic training facilities at high schools vary from almost non-existent to those as modern and spacious as professional/college athletic training rooms.

26 Administrative Office  Document, review and file all medial records/notes (Physical forms, Injury forms, Treatment forms, Insurance forms, Rehab forms, Physicians referral forms)  Maintain a clean organized office and filling system  Accessibility to phone, fax, and e-mail  Updates computer, printer, and software

27 Hydrotherapy Area  Have whirlpool safety inspected yearly  Fill whirlpool  Fill and rotate ice cups  Make ice bags for treatment  Clean and disinfect  Wash and fold towels

28 Prevention (Taping Area)  Restock taping areas  Roll-up elastic/cloth wraps  Disinfect tables  Prepare heel and lace pads  Replace tape cutter blades as needed

29 Rehabilitation Area  Inspect all equipment  Make sure all equipment is in its proper place  Check paper supply in isokinetic machine  Clean and disinfect all equipment

30 Treatment (Therapeutic Modality) Area  Have all modalities safety inspected yearly  Turn off when not in use  Clean machines  Wash and folds towels  Check hydrocollator and paraffin bath levels

31 Physician’s Examination Office  Confirm specialized medical equipment for physician is available  Update and restock supplies in physicians medical kit weekly  Clean surgical trays and refill disinfectants weekly  Clean, disinfect, restock and organize exam room weekly

32 Storage Area  Keep accurate inventory and notify supervisor when is low  Clean and rotate stock

33 Daily Duties  Disinfect  Restock  Sweep, mop, empty trash  Check ice machine/freezer  Review emergency procedures  Review/confirm newly acquired skills/knowledge

34 Outline Services that will be Offered Remember! This is a Medical Facility! Common Rules:  Co-educational facility  Treatment provided only to student – athletes  Athletes should shower after activity before receiving routine treatments

35  Athletic Training Room supplies and equipment will not be removed, except with permission of the athletic trainer  Athletes/sports equipment should be left in the locker room  LOUD MUSIC IS NOT PERMITTED  No cell phone use Rules can be adapted or added

36 To ensure proper treatment of the athlete, careful records should be kept on all athletes Physical Exam:  Should include past and present condition of the athlete

37 Accident/Injury Form  Include Athletes Name  Date time of accident/injury  Place of Injury  Mechanism of Injury  Evaluation of Injury  First Aid and Treatment provided  Rehab Recommendations  Medical referral

38 Daily Treatment  Athletes name  Date and Time  Treatment Provided  Protective Technique  Rehab procedure utilized

39 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPPA Passed to insure the rights of the athlete (patient) when it comes to their health records This law restricts who has access to the medical records, for a specific length of time, and for what reasons. The athlete (physical form) signs waivers to allow physicians and other health care providers to exchange information.

40 Fundamentals of Athletic Training Every Athlete is entitled to adequate conditioning, injury prevention measures, proper treatment of injuries, and complete rehabilitation. These programs are best designed and supervised by highly educated and skilled ATC’s.

41 Fundamentals of Athletic Training Athletic Trainer Characteristics: Professional skills Professional skills AT Knowledge AT Knowledge Enjoy Athletics Enjoy Athletics Well-being of Athletes/People Well-being of Athletes/People Good Fitness/Personal Health Good Fitness/Personal Health Common Sense Common Sense Willingness to Complete Assigned Tasks Willingness to Complete Assigned Tasks

42 Fundamentals of Athletic Training Education Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training (CAATE) Sets accreditation standards for athletic training programs Sets accreditation standards for athletic training programs Includes formal instruction in all areas documented in the NATA Athletic Training Educational Competencies. Includes formal instruction in all areas documented in the NATA Athletic Training Educational Competencies. BOC certification exam (after graduating from a CAATE accredited ed program) BOC certification exam (after graduating from a CAATE accredited ed program)

43 Employment Opportunities Traditional Setting ► College/University setting  Traditional setting  Where profession began ► Secondary School  Similar to the College/University setting ► Professional Sports  Care for a Specific Team  Restricted employment due number of venues

44 Employment Opportunities Non-Traditional Setting ► Sports Medicine Clinics  Most recognizable non-traditional setting  Assist other allied health professionals  Include time spent in clinic, then off site work with high schools ► Corporate/Industrial  Newer and developing outlet  Help the employee return to the work force  A healthy worker is more productive ► Community Recreation Centers  Services a wide range of ages  From the very young to geriatric population

45 Multiple Certifications Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist The National Strength and Conditioning Association (CSCS) –Most recognized strength and conditioning certification –http://www.ncsa.com Massage Therapy –Recognized by the NATA in a number of competencies American Massage Therapy Association – Massage professionals – National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork – An athletic trainer that is more diverse and knowledgeable is more valuable to an organization

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