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Jeopardy Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Q1 How did the first Americans get to North America?

4 $100 Answer from Q1 Landbridge from Asia

5 $200 Question from Q1 What does an archaeologist do?

6 $200 Answer from Q 1 Studies artifacts

7 $300 Question from Q1 How did the Iroquois adapt to their environment?

8 $300 Answer from Q1 Built Homes from Trees-

9 $400 Question from Q1 Why did most Iroquois settle near waterways?

10 $400 Answer from Q1 Transportation, Water, Farming

11 $500 Question from Q1 There were many different Native cultures due to their many different

12 $500 Answer from Q1 Geographies

13 $100 Question from Quarter 2 Why did all settlers come to the colonies?

14 $100 Answer from Q2 Religious Freedom -

15 $200 Question from Q2 What did the House of Burgesses do?

16 $200 Answer from Q2 Establish First Colonial Representative Government

17 $300 Question from Q2 Name the three Colonial Sections and Describe their Geography

18 $300 Answer from Q2 New England- Cold/Rocky Soil Middle_ In the middle/Hot/Cold South- Fertile soil/year round farming

19 $400 Question from Q2 What was the main purpose of the Mayflower Compact?

20 $400 Answer from Q2 Vow to work for the good of the colony

21 $500 Question from Q2 Which group controlled NY before the English?

22 $500 Answer from Q2 Dutch

23 $100 Question Q3 What was New France, and how did they make $?

24 $100 Answer from Q3 Friendly French Fish and Fur

25 $200 Question from Q3 Why were New England Town Meetings important?

26 $200 Answer from Q3 Helped establish early democratic government

27 $300 Question from Q3 Explain Mercantilism

28 $300 Answer from Q3 Make Momma Money Colonies ONLY exist to make Mother Country Rich Momma takes out ALL RAW MATERIALS

29 $400 Question from Q3 Which colonial section needed agricultural workers? Why? What labor force did they use?

30 $400 Answer from Q3 South Plantations Slavery

31 $500 Question from Q3 What was the point of ALL colonials Acts?

32 $500 Answer from Q3 Make England Money Make sure England profited from trade

33 $100 Question from Q4 What is a Cash crop?

34 $100 Answer from Q4 Something easily sold for $

35 $200 Question from Q4 What was the Albany Plan of Union?

36 $200 Answer from Q4 Join or Die Snake cut into pieces Colonies Must Unite

37 $300 Question from Q4 How did the French and Indian War Lead to the American Revolution?

38 $300 Answer from Q4 Brits in debt, make colonist pay back Through taxes

39 $400 Question from Q4 What was the Proclamation of 1763, and why did King George III issue is?

40 $400 Answer from Q4 Sets Appalachian Mts as temporary boundary To avoid war with Natives

41 $500 Question from Q4 What is a boycott?

42 $500 Answer from Q4 Refusal to buy goods To reduce a countrys profit

43 $100 Question from Everything Why did colonists feel the taxes Were unnfair?

44 $100 Answer from Everything Colonists lacked representation in Parliament

45 $200 Question from Everything What is propaganda and who used it?

46 $200 Answer from Everything Paul Revere, the Boston Massacre

47 $300 Question from Everything What was T. Paine’s Common Sense?

48 $300 Answer from Everything The Colonists MUST break away from England

49 $400 Question from Everything Who wrote the Declaration of Independence and what Was the main idea?

50 $400 Answer from Everything Thomas Jefferson List the reasons the colonies are breaking free from England

51 $500 Question from Everything What is the difference between a Loyalist And a Patriot?

52 $500 Answer from Everything Loyalist wants to remain LOYAL to the King Patriot wants American independence

53 Final Jeopardy Describe the British 3 Prong Attack on NY Did it succeed ? Why is this so important?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer All Meet in Saratoga Clinton up from NYC Burgoyne down from Canada St. Ledger across from Lake Ontario They fail.. Turning Point

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