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Flawed Peace 14 Points Treaty of Versailles Senate Rejects the treaty.

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1 Flawed Peace 14 Points Treaty of Versailles Senate Rejects the treaty

2 What the “Big Four” wanted from the peace oU.S. -- peace based on Wilson’s 14 Points  oBritain --reparations oFrance -- cripple Germany  oItaly -- land oRussia-- Lenin’s Gov’t Not legit

3 The focal point of Wilson’s Fourteen Points  The League of Nations  a world organization to prevent future wars

4 Fourteen Points zPoint 1 renounced secret treaties z Point 2 dealt with freedom of the seas zPoint 3 called for the removal of worldwide trade barriers zPoint 4 advocated arms reductions zPoint 5 suggested the international arbitration of all colonial disputes. zPoints 6 to 13 were concerned with specific territorial problems, including claims made by Russia, France and Italy.

5 What do they actually agree to? zTreaty of Versailles (Peace With Germany) yGermany returns all captured territory yGermany divided in two, some German will be given away. yGermany pay reparations for all loses. yGermany armed forces limited zTreaty of Saint-Germain (Peace w/ Austria) yA/H empire dissolved, replaced by Austria y4 new nations recognized (Czech., Hungary, Poland, Yugo.) yAustria may not unite with Germany; army only 30,000 men zThe Covenant of the League of Nations(Included in Both above) yMembers reduce arms yMembers protect each other yColonies of Central Powers supervised by league yParts of Ottoman empire made independent under League Supervision.

6 Reaction of the Senate to the Treaty of Versailles  REJECTED IT! Entangling Alliance Congress Power to declare war? U.S. Negotiate own peace with Germany after Wilson left office.

7 Why American were disillusioned with the war  the war to make the world safe for democracy turned out to be the war for European nations to take territory from their enemies again

8 Foreign policy position of the U.S. following the war  isolationism

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