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A WEBSITE PRIMER FOR NON-GEEKS Ralph Sherman/ © madison2main, 2013, all rights reserved.

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Presentation on theme: "A WEBSITE PRIMER FOR NON-GEEKS Ralph Sherman/ © madison2main, 2013, all rights reserved."— Presentation transcript:

1 A WEBSITE PRIMER FOR NON-GEEKS Ralph Sherman/ © madison2main, 2013, all rights reserved

2 Marketing Context  Your website is your brand  Most good websites are content/information-driven  Websites, like your brand, need to reflect both short-term needs and long-term values  Buyers today are looking for transparency--expect brands to embrace the web’s value to them  All websites perform better when coordinated with other marketing and operations strategy

3 Requirements  Every successful website must have:  Answers: Who/What/For Whom/Why  Intuitive navigation  Structural (designed) SEO (Search Engine Optimization)  Basic Analytics tools (aka Google Analytics)  A plan for adding, replacing, editing content

4 Also Nice To Have…  Relevant links from other sites  Content sharing options (Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest)  Promotional content  Data capture and lead management system (CRM)  Valuable, proprietary content

5 Start Here  Think of your website as an offer—buyers choose offers when:  They are aware  They are quickly engaged  You build trust  You make it easy  You make them smarter

6 Discovery Before Design  Before your select a template, Content Management System (CMS) or agency/consultant:  Discuss needs with your stakeholders (employees, customers, investors)  Do a brand inventory—what is your current messaging, what needs improvement  What if—understand what more leads might mean to growth and operations--quantify  Know what decisions require consensus vs approvals

7 You Get What You Pay For  Websites may be “free” or cost hundreds of thousands of dollars—the more leads you need, the more likely you will need experienced, professional marketing help and tools  Service-based brands, especially local and “search- driven” products can use a well-designed website to assure “1 st Page” rankings and eliminate some competition  If you don’t have someone “billable” on your staff with content development skills and communications training, you need to outsource it and budget it as overhead or sales expenses

8 And SEO Is Still Critical  On-site: how the content is written, titled and annotated to index properly with organic (keyword) search  Off-site: growing in importance for indexing high with search engines—sharing content, links from other sites “SEO is about being authentic, credible and relevant to your brand and offering”.

9 Beware the Web “Dandy”  If it sounds too good to be true, it is  Web design is more than writing code, or filling templates  Proper web design and content will improve your rankings, increase traffic and build lead opportunities—it is still up to you to leverage that  Social Media is not a “thing”—it is another tactic that can build trust and awareness over time  Don’t create a Blog if you hate to write—and don’t outsource it to someone who does not know your brand

10 And Remember…  Every website is one thing if nothing else— a trusted source of useful information. Ralph Sherman Principal Consultant Madison2Main

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