“How to keep up without having to stay up” Web 2.0 for the Solo Librarian James Mullan – Information Officer CMS Cameron McKenna LLP.

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Presentation on theme: "“How to keep up without having to stay up” Web 2.0 for the Solo Librarian James Mullan – Information Officer CMS Cameron McKenna LLP."— Presentation transcript:

1 “How to keep up without having to stay up” Web 2.0 for the Solo Librarian James Mullan – Information Officer CMS Cameron McKenna LLP

2 ??***?? - p2 The challenges for Solo Librarians  Time  Budget (Resources)  Professional Isolation  Cover  Learning to juggle!

3 ??***?? - p3 The advantages  Independence/Autonomy  Flexible Schedule  Variety  Wide Knowledge  No staff (potentially)

4 ??***?? - p4 What is Web 2.0? Web 1.0Web 2.0 SolitaryEncourages sharing Relied on installed softwareIs Web-based Was about individualsIs about communities Was about consumingIs about creating HomepagesWeblogs Finding informationInformation coming to you

5 ??***?? - p5 What are the key concepts for Librarians?  Web 2.0 is… –Collaborative –Focused on content –Web-based –Social –Decentralised –Re-mixable

6 ??***?? - p6 What that really means!  The Web 2.0 tools Law Librarians are using are Social and…  Provide systems for the sharing of information and services among individuals and groups…  …perfect for Solo librarians?

7 ??***?? - p7 Some of the tools available…  Twitter (Microblogging)  RSS/Blogs

8 ??***?? - p8 Twitter  A Microblogging tool  Made famous by celebrity users –Stephen Fry –Jonathan Ross –Barack Obama –James Mullan

9 ??***?? - p9  Several ways to use Twitter –Searching for information –Information Updating –Following trends –Asking questions –Social Networking

10 ??***?? - p10  Tweetbeep and Twilert will email you when Tweets match your search terms  Hashtags are used to identify and find content –#Mumbai –#Bushfires –#UKSnow –#CreditCrunch

11 ??***?? - p11 More Twitter tools!  TweetDeck  Twhirl  Twellow  TweetStats  Twist  Twitterverse  Twitterholic

12 ??***?? - p12 Really Simple Syndication (RSS)  A means by which to “syndicate” content available on the Web  Your “radar”

13 ??***?? - p13 The benefits of using RSS  No need to visit websites  Summaries  Reduction in emails  Many media types included  Information becomes discreet  Easy to share

14 ??***?? - p14 How you could use RSS?  To monitor Legal and Librarianship Blogs  To monitor news stories and company information  To monitor new legal content: –Legislation –Case Law –Journal Articles –Know How

15 ??***?? - p15 What you’ll need!  An RSS FeedReader or Newsreader –Bloglines –Google Reader –FeedDemon –Newsgator  An RSS Feed! –Navigate to any website and look for the RSS icon

16 ??***?? - p16 Blogs du Jour!  Some of the Blogs I follow: –Binary Law –Enquiring Minds Want to Know –Information Overlord –House of Butter –Jennie Law –The BIALL Blog

17 ??***?? - p17 The obstacles…  Your IT Department

18 ??***?? - p18 Web 2.0 for the wary…  …what you need to think about –Time –Cost –Exposure –Information Overload –The 4P’s

19 ??***?? - p19 Can I ignore Web 2.0? No

20 ??***?? - p20 Questions/Thoughts James.Mullan@cms-cmck.com http://www.therunninglibrarian.co.uk http://www.biall.blogspot.com http://www.twitter.com/jimmy1712

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