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Diversity Chapters 9. Think, Pair, Share Situation…  You are planning a trip with 20 people  The goal of the trip is to take a diverse group of people.

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Presentation on theme: "Diversity Chapters 9. Think, Pair, Share Situation…  You are planning a trip with 20 people  The goal of the trip is to take a diverse group of people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diversity Chapters 9

2 Think, Pair, Share Situation…  You are planning a trip with 20 people  The goal of the trip is to take a diverse group of people.  Questions…. What is diversity? What characteristics would you look for to make your trip diverse?

3 Do you consider this class to be diverse? Why? Why not?

4 Scenario 10 mile hike through the Smoky Mtns Steep hills, rocky passages Cold, windy weather…though that could change in an instant Who would you choose as your leader?

5 Scenario 16 year old white female 27 year old Asian man 68 year old African American man 22 year old beauty queen (female) 25 year old gay man 35 year old man with one leg

6 Terms Dimensions of Diversity  Various dimensions, traits or characteristics on which we differ Sex, age, class, race, etc.

7 Terms Stereotypes  Assumptions others make about us based on dimensions of diversity.

8 Terms Prejudice  Preconceived belief or preference for one person, place, or thing over another  Often an irrational judgment derived from hatred, fear, ignorance

9 Terms Discrimination  The acts taken on the basis of prejudice  Differential treatment of one group that often creates a situation of disadvantage for another group

10 Terms Culture  Sum total of the way people live their lives  “Who am I”?  Can be dictated by such things as… Race, ethnicity, religion Region of the country (ie. Boulder) Education levels (ie. IU vs. IN)

11 Terms Cultural Competence  Leaders who are able to work with both the similarities and differences in people successfully  Need to understand & accept : Preferred styles of communication Social interactions Motivations Recreation preferences

12 Dimensions of Diversity

13 Age Race & ethnicity Sex/ gender Sexual orientation Mental & physical abilities & qualities Parental Status * Income * Work Experience * * Military Experience Education * Religion * * Geography Core (Primary) Dimensions Secondary Dimensions

14 Dimensions of Diversity Core (Primary) Dimensions  Traits we may observe upon meeting people  Extremely difficult/impossible to change  Stereotypes based on these things  We measure others based on our own cultural standards Language Appearance

15 Dimensions of Diversity Age Race & ethnicity Sex/ gender Sexual orientation Mental & physical abilities & qualities Parental Status * Income * Work Experience * * Military Experience Education * Religion * * Geography Core (Primary) Dimensions Secondary Dimensions

16 Dimensions of Diversity Secondary Dimensions  Not necessarily visible  Change over a lifetime  Knowledge of this dimension changes our perceptions of people

17 What do these dimensions mean for leaders?

18 Age Be aware of cognitive levels Understand physical abilities What people of different ages want from a program Combining ages of people Older adults  Don’t like labels  Don’t see themselves as older  Want experiences & not things

19 Ethnicity/Race Race  A group of people who share a genetic make-up which results in biological characteristics that can be used to distinguish 1 group from another Ethnicity  Commonalities passed down through history & tradition  Historical link, shared religious beliefs, linguistic commonalities, common morals  Shared culture

20 Ethnicity/Race Not all people are the same  Language  Patterns of communication  Leisure preferences  Values

21 Ethnicity/Race Understand different races/ethnicities as much as possible  Within group & between group differences Not all groups are alike  Learn characteristics of groups you work with Status differences among males/females, ie. Middle Eastern Swimmer Use of language Activity preferences Ethnic minority groups participate in outdoor rec less Latinos participate with extended family

22 Ethnicity/Race Understand different races/ethnicities as much as possible  Involve groups in planning events Skokie Festival of Cultures 63+ languages spoken in Skokie Food, art, entertainment indicative of the culture are featured

23 Ethnicity/Race Leading people who don’t speak English well  Speak clearly & not louder  Speak slowly  Use gestures  Lead through demonstrations

24 Sexual Orientation Lesbian, gay, bisexual, heterosexual Most easily hidden Little difference in activity preferences Difference is in social support for teens  35% youth are physically harassed regularly  50% are verbally harassed regularly  20% are thrown out of their home  90% hear derogatory comments in school, 30% from teachers & staff

25 Sexual Orientation LGBT adults  Higher education  Fewer children  Higher income  Seek LGBT specific activities Tourism - Philadelphia, Toronto Cruises Chicago sports leagues

26 Sexual Orientation Model positive behaviors  Support, tolerance, acceptance Don’t assume that people are all heterosexual  Inclusive language  Family definitions & privileges Protect the individual if they become a target for abuse Stop negative language & jokes  Smear the queer  Fagot/Dyke

27 Physical/Cognitive Abilities & Qualities Qualities  ie. Obesity, thick glasses, cognitive deficiencies, facial disfigurement Disabilities  ie. Autism, Down’s Syndrome, blind

28 Physical/Cognitive Abilities & Qualities Learn abt the disability Casually teach those without a disability @ the disability  Climbing wall/Turrets Syndrome Get full medical info P.C. – The person first  Person with a disability Inclusion

29 Sex/Gender Sex = biological differences  Chromosomes  Male v female Gender = way we perceive maleness and femaleness  Masculinity vs. femininity  Gender specific activities

30 Sex/Gender Don’t stereotype activities Don’t limit children’s toys/games Treat people the same  “Boys will be boys”  “Young ladies don’t act that way”  “She’s aggressive for a girl”

31 A note @ religion….. Be aware there are differences  Easter Egg Hunts  Christmas  Halloween  Hokey Pokey  Youth Soccer

32 Questions….

33 Ch 9: Managing Difficulties Group conflict 3 Goal relationships (cooperative, competitive, independent) Approaches to conflict & conflict resolution behaviors Why conflict occurs What a mediator does

34 Ch 13 Review  Social issues  4 categories of maltreatment  Mandatory reporters

35 An Activity What does it mean to….  Act like a woman?  Act like a man?

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